I need help ...

Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Just been to the diabetic clinic, nurse is not happy with me, my sugar level is way too high (13.9) after fasting!
Cholesterol is high, poor circulation in my legs and feet, and I've put on a stone (14lbs) since I last saw her in June !!!
My stress levels are way too high, had a lot to deal with at home lately, I have become very depressed, I hate myself, I look and feel like a whale, and I get a lot of pain in my chest - particularly when my stress levels are raised further!

The nurse warned me that I'm heading for a spell in hospital the way I'm going. I have to see my doctor on Monday next week, been told to be very careful with what I eat and the quantities.

Trouble is, when I get stressed I eat, I grab the first sugary thing I can find, but then I either beat myself up over it, or eat something else also containing sugar - to make me feel better, but, of course this doesn't help.

I'm getting stressed at the slightest thing, and am so afriad that I'll end up suffering long term.

I know I have to pull myself together and eat sensibly, but when my hubby and kids buy sweets, popcorn and cakes, I end up sharing with them. I try not to buy these things, but my hubby tells me I'm being unfair to the rest of the family - and I don't want them to go without because of me.

Does anyone have any suggestions how I can combat my situation?

Thanks in advance



  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Just been to the diabetic clinic, nurse is not happy with me, my sugar level is way too high (13.9) after fasting!
    Cholesterol is high, poor circulation in my legs and feet, and I've put on a stone (14lbs) since I last saw her in June !!!
    My stress levels are way too high, had a lot to deal with at home lately, I have become very depressed, I hate myself, I look and feel like a whale, and I get a lot of pain in my chest - particularly when my stress levels are raised further!

    The nurse warned me that I'm heading for a spell in hospital the way I'm going. I have to see my doctor on Monday next week, been told to be very careful with what I eat and the quantities.

    Trouble is, when I get stressed I eat, I grab the first sugary thing I can find, but then I either beat myself up over it, or eat something else also containing sugar - to make me feel better, but, of course this doesn't help.

    I'm getting stressed at the slightest thing, and am so afriad that I'll end up suffering long term.

    I know I have to pull myself together and eat sensibly, but when my hubby and kids buy sweets, popcorn and cakes, I end up sharing with them. I try not to buy these things, but my hubby tells me I'm being unfair to the rest of the family - and I don't want them to go without because of me.

    Does anyone have any suggestions how I can combat my situation?

    Thanks in advance

  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member

    If you don't get your diabetes under control, you can die. Harsh sounding but true. My mother died from diabetes. I was still stupid and didn't control mine for 6 years. Finally got smart and now have it under control. Still have no idea of what damage I've already done to my body.

    Diabetes is, I'm sure you know, very serious. You are looking at major healthy issues and are already experiencing the reprecussions--cholesterol issues, poor circulation, etc.

    If you don't make the determination to get it under control and do it, then you WILL--NOT IF--BUT WILL! have serious serious serious medical issues and possibly death from this disease. It is not a joke and can't be shrugged off.

    So, willpower.

    Determine to do this and do it. I had a total of 140 pounds to lose when I started--I've lost 59 of them so far. Diabetes under control. Working on getting off the pills for good.


    Your family MUST--I REPEAT--MUST support you in this.

    You are not being unfair to them by not wanting junk in the house--they are being unfair to you. Don't let them lay a guilt trip on you because you're trying to get healthy.

    Now, I have no kids, so that might be easy for me to say but you will do yourself AND them a favor by NOT BRINGING JUNK INTO THE HOUSE!

    Let me add this--


    Start them now on healthy habits--otherwise, they may likely be in the same fix you're in right now soon.

    Buy healthy foods for all--cook healthy foods for all. ALL LEARN TO BE HEALTHY!



    Even losing 10-20% of your weight will make a difference in your levels!

    Start exercising, too. With diabetes, it is exercise that makes the greatest difference!

    Even walking for 45 minutes a day can drop your levels dramatically.

    --Start with small steps--

    --cut back on carbs, sugars, salt! Don't forget to limit your salt! With heart issues already, you don't need more.

    --drink plenty of water--will help keep things flowing through your system.

    --One trick--always eat a little bit of fat (Peanut Butter or something else with a little fat content) with any carbs. The fat helps slow the digestion and will prevent too large a spike in your levels. NOT A HUGE AMOUNT NOW! But like a 1/2 tablespoon

    --TRACK EVERYTHING! Especially your levels--diabetics should always know your glucose levels, right?

    --Start loving yourself as you are RIGHT NOW! If you can't look in the mirror, and love the person you see INSIDE NOW, then you will never never never love yourself no matter what you look like inside, ok!
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    Hi, there

    I know how's like to emotional eat, to feel discouraged, to hate it all. I also know it's all in my head. So how about you take control of your life? Why should sweets control you? Tell your hubby that what is unfair is to stuff yourselves with food that doesn't bring anything good to you.

    I understand that sweets are tempting, I agree to small treats, but I am also aware that there's almost no good in them, only plenty of calories. Try replace them with fruits and vegetables. Tastes can be educated (dropping salt makes the food tasteless at first, but after a while you end up saying: yeaky, this cheese/ham has too much salt in it). It'd be unfair to deprive your hubby and kids of vitamins and calcium, but making them reduce the sweets will only do all of them good.

    On the other hand, you also need to tell your hubby that if he wants you around and wants to see you happy and enthusiastic, he needs to understand that the borderline between feeling depressed cos of looks and being ill has been crossed, so he needs to be a bit more supportive. So do your kids - they have to understand that sweets are poison, diabetic is genetic, so it's something they should be careful about.

    Now, in times of crises and stress, even if your mind says "No, no sweets, stop", your impulse says "One won't count. I feel bad enough already, this will make me feel good", so you need to find replacements. Drink a glass of water, tea or a bit of milk. Listen to you stomach - are you really hungry? Go out for a walk, try to do something actively. Think positively (say a prayer, think of the little joys in life, enjoy the sight of a flower, the sunset). Go write something in the thread on things we like or moments we enjoyed (forget the name of the topic, I think it's jamez who started it).

    Most of all: be confident! :flowerforyou: You can do it! You *do* have the resources, you *do* have the will and you can change it!

    Sorry for keeping it long, I'm an awesome procrastinator. :blushing:

    Good luck and keep us posted! :flowerforyou:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    When do you find y our self getting stressed the most. I am not sure if you work or is it just at home. Make up so healthy snacks and put them in single bags for you. That way if you need a snack grab one of them. If you are near a computer when you get stressed come on here and I am sure someone can help you or if not read some of the old posts. I know that some of them on here are sure inspiring. Do you have an exercise regimen? You do burn stress that way along with those extra calories.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    Ah, I think I forgot to mention this. We have confidence in you and :love: you. Being here with us is a sign you must be liking us, too! :wink: Thanks for sharing with us what bugs you.
  • I love to eat sweet things too. What helps is storing them in a cupboard or drawer. Get them off the counter. Out of sight, out of mind. Its not a guarantee but sometimes I do forget I have them. When I am starting to crave for something, I make myself busy. Some task I have been putting aside, a little housework, reorganizing a drawer, cleaning a sink, going for a short walk.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    When it comes to "will power" it's a mind game and many, like me, just lose that battle when the chips (I don't mean potato either) are down. It really takes more out of you to fight these urges than it does to give in and eat. We can only hope that your medical situation is enough to give you the encouragement to start getting things in order.

    The first thing I would suggest is to not look at MFP as a "diet plan" because, to me at least, a diet is something you eventually come off of when you reach your goal and then go back to what you were doing before. You really, really should look at this as a lifestyle change and attack it on an hour by hour basis until you can get your self-confidence levels and health conditions up there where they need to be.

    I wish there were something magical that we could all send your way to help you through this but please know that we all, and I do mean all, know exactly what you're dealing with and have had to find some level of personal success to grasp onto to help us move forward. If you don't find support close at home then please keep reaching out to people here.

    We here for you.
  • Congratulations on taking a very powerful first step -- acknowledging the real issues.

    All the posts so far offer FANTASTIC advice. I'd like to add one more suggestion: ask your doctor/nurse (or look for yourself) if there's a diabetic support group in your area. We tend to isolate ourselves in our crisis and that's not good. With a support group, you can pick up the phone and call someone in weak times, attend meetings, have an exercise buddy, etc.

    The next time your family whines about not having junk food in the house, ask them if it's more important to them to eat that cookie or see you dance at their wedding. This is not about losing a few pounds -- this is about your very LIFE!

    LOVE yourself. YOU take control and don't give that control away to a person or a food!

    Come back here often and keep us posted -- we care!! :heart:


  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi all
    Thank you all sooooo very much for your replies, I don't feel so alone now :smile:
    I've taken on board what you have all said, and can proudly say that I have managed to get my blood sugar levels down to 6.8 today :wink: My cholesterol has gone from 5.3 - 3.6, and my blood pressure has returned to normal :happy:

    I know I have to ensure my family eats healthily, which is something I've always done, but when they sit there of an evening saying they want to go out and buy sweets, popcorn, crisps and cakes, it's very hard. :mad:

    I've found a local diabetic support group and applied to join - just waiting for a reply now :happy:

    My main stress factor is at home - not directly my family, but my neighbour next door, whom, since we bought our council property 16 months ago, has decided to take her jealousy out on us and constantly harass us. I had her on the door step today again, instead of rising to it as I normally do - and then hit the fridge, I calmy told her I was not well enough to deal with her right now, and suggested she wait for my husband to come home and talk to him, I then closed my front door and came online to myfitnesspal instead :tongue: (Even though my puppy stole my lunch whilst I was at the door, and the stressful confrontation did make me shake).

    I then wrote an email to my neighbours housing officer, and she replied telling me my neighbour would get a stern letter from her today ordering her to leave me & my family alone !!!

    I feel truely at peace with myself at present, and intend not to let ANYONE spoil my determination to take control of my diabetes once and for all.

    I now take my other dog for a long walk every day now - I do not come home until I have been out for and hour or more. (tiring but well worth it!)

    As for my job as a carer in the community, I changed the calls I go, so that I have to walk up and down 48 stairs 4 times a day to get to them! If that don't help me, nothing will!

    I've only eaten pasta, veg, fruit, fish and chicken since Monday, and already feel better - although first thing in the morning I do not want to get out of bed, but then, I never have when the weather is bad - but that's SADS for ya!!! :explode:

    I'll keep you all posted, than kyou every so much for being there - really does help :happy:

    Jackie xx
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi all
    Thank you all sooooo very much for your replies, I don't feel so alone now :smile:
    I've taken on board what you have all said, and can proudly say that I have managed to get my blood sugar levels down to 6.8 today :wink: My cholesterol has gone from 5.3 - 3.6, and my blood pressure has returned to normal :happy:

    I know I have to ensure my family eats healthily, which is something I've always done, but when they sit there of an evening saying they want to go out and buy sweets, popcorn, crisps and cakes, it's very hard. :mad:

    I've found a local diabetic support group and applied to join - just waiting for a reply now :happy:

    My main stress factor is at home - not directly my family, but my neighbour next door, whom, since we bought our council property 16 months ago, has decided to take her jealousy out on us and constantly harass us. I had her on the door step today again, instead of rising to it as I normally do - and then hit the fridge, I calmy told her I was not well enough to deal with her right now, and suggested she wait for my husband to come home and talk to him, I then closed my front door and came online to myfitnesspal instead :tongue: (Even though my puppy stole my lunch whilst I was at the door, and the stressful confrontation did make me shake).

    I then wrote an email to my neighbours housing officer, and she replied telling me my neighbour would get a stern letter from her today ordering her to leave me & my family alone !!!

    I feel truely at peace with myself at present, and intend not to let ANYONE spoil my determination to take control of my diabetes once and for all.

    I now take my other dog for a long walk every day now - I do not come home until I have been out for and hour or more. (tiring but well worth it!)

    As for my job as a carer in the community, I changed the calls I go, so that I have to walk up and down 48 stairs 4 times a day to get to them! If that don't help me, nothing will!

    I've only eaten pasta, veg, fruit, fish and chicken since Monday, and already feel better - although first thing in the morning I do not want to get out of bed, but then, I never have when the weather is bad - but that's SADS for ya!!! :explode:

    I'll keep you all posted, than kyou every so much for being there - really does help :happy:

    Jackie xx

    WAY TO GO! thumbsup4kk.gif
    See, you can do this!

    That is a fantastic job with your levels!

    keep up the wonderful work and you'll be healthy before you know it--and you're family will be so jealous, they'll join you!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    My dad has a smillar situation, but he was deterimined to control his diabetes with out drugs. He lost a lot of weight and has controlled his diabetes.

    As for your neighbor, it's probably better to just deal with her and eventually she will get tired of bugging you and stop. Hopefully.

    Good luck
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi All ...
    not such a good day today, I've had to phone in sick at work - got a tummy bug - which has made my levels go up again :(

    I'm trying to stay focused on the end goal at mo, don't want to start feeling sorry for myself and indulge in foods I cannot eat.

    So ... I'm going to get stuck into my course work - I'm studying towards my Diplom in Criminology at present - just finished my Diploma in Psychology, but havingt to wait 12 weeks for my certificate.

    I'm really glad that I came back to this wonderful site, you are all so supportive, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart :flowerforyou:

    Jackie xx
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I just saw this thread...a few things...

    First, you are not a whale...You have no fins...And if you had fins, you couldn't type. And if you couldn't type you wouldn't be here, and if you weren't here you would not be taking the first steps to a healthier you!!!

    So WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou:

    Just take slow simple steps to a new you. Make small goals you can achieve, not try to bite entire change at once. You can so do it with motivation and time. Even when there are tough times, keep looking forward! Just keep going forward! Forward! Forward! You can do it!

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I just saw this thread...a few things...

    First, you are not a whale...You have no fins...And if you had fins, you couldn't type. And if you couldn't type you wouldn't be here, and if you weren't here you would not be taking the first steps to a healthier you!!!

    So WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou:

    Just take slow simple steps to a new you. Make small goals you can achieve, not try to bite entire change at once. You can so do it with motivation and time. Even when there are tough times, keep looking forward! Just keep going forward! Forward! Forward! You can do it!


    Having a good day today, still off work with this bug, but I'm not letting it get the better of me!

    Thanks for all your kind words of encourangement - they really mean a lot guys :happy:
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