Upset ):

Didn't go over in my calories today.. But did eat way worst than I have been and its kind of a setback for me. I suppose there is always tomorrow and I will keep my head high and do this still :D

Just need some motivation.

Also went over my protein by like 49... is that bad?


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You stayed within your calorie budget, don't worry about it! Brush this off and eat better tomorrow. And no, going over your protein is fine! Exceeding your fat by 50g would be problem! ;)
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Protein is a good thing.... just because its listed in red at the bottom of your screen does not mean you did bad. In some instances red=bad but not all the time. Since you are a member of MFP I can only assume you are counting calories. Since you were under, thats a plus. Things you want to watch for are fat, sodium, and sugars (carbs) that are not coming from natural sources like fruit and veggies. Tomorrow is a new day, embrace it with a clean slate and move forward, It's all about choices.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    You didn't go over in calories, but you're upset because you made some bad choices today. To me that sounds like you're taking this seriously, and that's the right attitude. Think about what you will eat tomorrow. Stick to the good clean stuff. Write it all down and stick to it. You can do it.
  • Billybobboy
    Billybobboy Posts: 11 Member
    First of all, nobody is making you use this program, nor is the program telling you what to eat, or how much of it to eat.

    You decided to utilize the tools on this website to educate yourself as to what actually takes place in your body as a result of what eating behaviors you are choosing. What you do about it is entirely at your option. If you elect to not modify your eating choices, the program will tell you what the logical result of that choice will be... When you close out your daily food diary you are told what your weight would be in 5 weeks if every day was like the day that just ended.

    You also have to realize that it is unrealistic to believe that you can go to a party, or a bar, or restaurant, without exceeding your daily goals. One day a week of that can, and will, be offset by how you react to that the other 6 days of the week, and by what sort of exercise regimen you select for yourself.

    Life is a series of choices. You chose to see what you could learn from this program..., and now you are learning... and you will continue to learn every day you use the program. What you may learn is that your preference is, in fact, to remain overweight, or to deal with the stresses in your life by snacking or overeating, even if that means you stay overweight.... OR, you can recognize a poor food choice you made, and make the necessary changes to stay within the limits YOU selected for YOURSELF when you filled out your profile. If you are genuinely serious about reaching your goals, then give it time, and don't stress out over an isolated spike in your food intake. Use that experience to influence future behaviors in similar situations.

    At parties hit the veggie tray, and not the cheese dip and peanuts. Be aware of the 'empty calories' that add up quickly with alcoholic beverages, watch your cheeses, and control your intake of red meat.... and forget the bread basket... Look for viable alternatives to bread, like Flatout flatbreads... you can make a wrap sandwich with a single flatbread at 90 calories, cutting the calories of a sandwich about in half..., and Miracle Whip is FAR lower in calories than mayonaisse. Read labels, educate yourself, and remember, you get out of this program in proportion to what you put into it... Just like life, itself.

    Good Luck.
  • Shawnalee0703
    There's no such thing as failure. There's only feedback. Stop judging yourself & start recognizing it for what it is, an entry point for learning.