Dinner Ideas?

I am looking for Dinner Ideas. I am planning out my meals for the next month and I am trying to do any repeats. Thanks everyone.


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I do a lot of grilled chicken breast or steak with a vegetable (like broccoli) and either rice or a roasted potato. It's yummy, filling and under 500 calories.
  • kitchentales
    I was recently told to check out eatingwell.com and cookinglight.com ; the Cooking Light Complete Cookbook that I have at home is my favorite! So many good recipes and they're all pretty good. I think most of the recipes I've made from it are under 400 calories.

    You can also browse through the FoodPress on WordPress.com (http://foodpress.com/) for some ideas - these are all blogs though, and most have no nutritional info with the recipes. I have a foodblog on there, and it's loads of fun bouncing around through all the others. So many great ideas!

    When I get home I'll see what I've got planned for dinner in the next few days and I'll send over any tried-and-true recipes!
  • liz_bolin
    liz_bolin Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I'm a big fan of stir fry. We usually do stir fry of some sort (beef, shrimp or chicken) once a week. I serve it with brown rice for me & my boys & white rice for my husband since he won't eat brown rice.

    I'm also making cranberry pork in my crock pot tomorrow, lean cut pork chops, cranberries (or whole berry cranberry sauce) and a little onion powder and garlic.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Bake or grill fish.
  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
    3oz Grilled rib eye steak, 2 cups spinach, 1 cup sliced cucumbers and a boiled egg.....that's what I had for diner tonight...=0)
  • liz_bolin
    liz_bolin Posts: 88 Member
    That sounds really good Wandami... I think I might try that
  • annaholden65
    I like chicken Cacciatore which is an Italian chicken with tomatoes recipe.


    Go steady on the olive oil and leave out any cheese and add some extra flavour with balsamic, lemon and a bit of paprika. I usually have it with a little bit of cous cous or a baked potato.
