Boredom barrier

the_dragon Posts: 11 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I am desperate to try and lose weight.
I try to eat approx 1200 calories a day, I walked as many places as I can...even if its only 30mins a day when I add it all together. I can't go to any fitness classes or gym due to family/work committments so thought that a DVD workout was the way to go.
I always aim to do the whole workout dvd and end up stopping or stopping and starting.....not because it was too because i was too tired...but because I find it hard to keep myself going, almost as though it bores me.....any ideas on what can help keep me motivated as my chunky thighs and wobbly tummy are really getting me down?
Thanks in advance x


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Use the 'pause' button on the DVD...the execise isn't goin' anywhere...or maybe find one that is less of a workout for you at this time...look on youtube for videos...its all up to you and what YOU can and want to wishes
  • Take it slowly, you'll get there :)

    And, be careful not to dip too far down with your calories, you're on the bottom-edge of the minimum calorie intake to keep your body going....not getting enough calories will keep your energy level down too, as well as screw up your metabolism.

    Keep at it! :)
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I understand the boredom. I get bored watching certain workouts too. You have to find a trainer you like. For me its Bob from the Biggest Loser. I just got the Biggest Loser Cardio max the other day and love it! Bob talks to YOU while he instructs, its not just "hussle, hussle, hussle!" I also like Kendell Hogan from exercise TV. he really perky for a big guy and his workouts work the thigh areas you mentioned.

    Good luck!
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    I have had the same problems over time. The biggest way to help is to find your time a day. Are you a morning person? Try getting up earlier to workout, if your not then don't force it. I have tried and tried to do morning workouts and finally gave up. I am a midday workout person but unfortunately I'm at work during this time. So I have finally decided to be a night workout person. Once my son is in bed that is my time. Next step is to find the workout thats for you. I have done it all I think and gave it up within a few weeks sometimes even days. My best advice is go to the library and pick up as many different DVD's that look interesting and try out new things see what fits you. I have found that my favorite thing is Zumba I do it on the Wii and when possible go to class which is not often. I have just started doing P90X as well. I am loving this workout, because it is not high impact and it is different everyday. Another thing is to see if you can find someone that is doing the same program that helps you have the support and someone to talk about the workout with. Once you find something you like post a topic finding others that do the same workout. If you decide Zumba or P90X are for you add me we can discuss these items. Above all keep at it you will find what is best for you!! Good Luck and keep your head up!
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    Maybe if you try exercising with a friend it will be less boring, are you listening to music ?
  • the_dragon
    the_dragon Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all....I think I do need to just stop if i'm not in the mood, i guess i just hope that i will get in the mood.
    I have read a few post where people talk about the 30 day shred dvd?? so i'm going to try that....and will look into Zumba.
    I need to keep pushing myself and believe that I can lose the weight, it is just very frustrating when I try and nothing happens, and then i very quickly fall back into not trying as doesn't help having slim friends who complain about there weight when they are 4 dress sizes smaller than me and have nothing to lose...i want to wear what they are complaining about.
    Thank you again for your advice.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Sometimes it's about honestly assessing priorities.

    I have friends who say they don't have time to exercise... but many of them make excuses not to. They simply don't want to get up an hour earlier, or give up watching their faviourite soap.

    Likewise I have friends who have unbelievably busy lives, with long working hours, small children, pets, a disabled mother etc etc... and they STILL find time to exercise.
  • the_dragon
    the_dragon Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah that I understand with the times I do have the time to exercise but no childcare to go to the gym or classes....someone else has suggested running could be a good way to start, so i maybe just need to try something different.
    i do know that although i am losing weight, i must be doing something because i feel the burning in my muscles the next day and it lasts for a few days
  • I did the 30 day shred yesterday for the first time and LOVED it! Also, the beginner Zumba dvd is great if you like to dance. It is more fun with a friend though...Hope you find something that works for you!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Yeah that I understand with the times I do have the time to exercise but no childcare to go to the gym or classes....someone else has suggested running could be a good way to start, so i maybe just need to try something different.

    A friend of mine bought a running buggy after she had her little boy. She didn't want to give up running after she had him, but her hubby was at work and she had no child care. She loves her running buggy and her little boy loves being in it. :bigsmile:

    She also has a little child trailer that goes on her bike so she can cycle with him.
  • the_dragon
    the_dragon Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you I will look into them, i'm interested in running, seen the couch to 5k? on here and checked it out....could work out better than the dvds, i will give it all a go. Thank you again.
  • You should try something like the 30 day shred. The workout is quick (only about 25 minutes) and very fast paced so no time for boredom! Good luck! :happy:
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Can you commit to being a part of a team sport? If so you will have a responsibility to be there each week and give it your best go and plus it doesn't feel like working out as you are probably having fun with your teammates!
  • Anolan87...How do you do Zumba on the Wii? Sounds fun!:happy:
  • fairystyler
    fairystyler Posts: 7 Member
    Hey chick,

    Have you tried measuring in inches as oppose to your weight? I'm not losing much but my shape is changing!

    Also, knowing you..... You're being to hard on yourself n it does take time, I'm beind ya and I'm sure Lee is too :) xx
  • the_dragon
    the_dragon Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going to take measurements when i do my next weigh in, although i can see the fat on my legs/tum/arms so expect to see the scales dip when they get smaller....i know it may get heavier due to muscle surely has to go down first?
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