MoMoves Posts: 36
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
There are definitely times when I can be a picky eater, and oatmeal is one of those times. I've just never learned to love it. It's less of a flavor issue, and more of a texture issue. (I'm funny like that!) BUT I know it's good for me, and as I'm also trying to model better eating and trying new foods to my even pickier children, I bought some reduced sugar flavored oatmeal packets to get us started. And this morning we all had a had oatmeal for breakfast!

I was super impressed that my girls even dared to try it (my positive attitude must finally be getting me somewhere!) My younger daughter ate about half her bowl (she's not a big breakfast eater) and my older daughter ate about a fourth of her bowl before she gave up. I managed to choke down my entire bowl just to prove to my kids that it was better than they thought. BUT the truth is....I JUST DIDN'T LIKE IT. :-(

So, I'm looking for advices/tips/recipies etc...how can I make eating oatmeal better for me and my kiddos. I know it's so good for us. And I want to get over this hump. I want to learn to like oatmeal!


  • Have you ever tried Steel Cut Oats? I make a batch in the crock pot (takes 4 hours on low). Makes enough for a week. Reheats in micro for 2 minutes, I add fresh fruit and cinnamon.
  • pldmi
    pldmi Posts: 9
    Don't know if this will help or not but I didn't lke the texture of oatmeal either. It basically reminded me of thick gooey old people food. I use the instant oatmeal packages prepared with water and I add more water to it and make it kinda soupy. It helped alot with the texture of it for me and I now actually like the maple and brown sugar oatmeal.
  • wwh140
    wwh140 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm interested to see what suggestions you get as I too have a thing about oatmeal. And, like you said, it's the texture. It's one of those things that seems to grow in my mouth, much like cottage cheese - blech! I know I should eat the oatmeal, but I just can't seem to choke it down. Good for you for making it through that bowl!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Oatmeal can be extremely good - try banana flavored, make it nice and thick (with skim milk, not water) by cooking it a little longer (just watch the microwave door to make sure its not overflowing), add cinamon, add sliced fruit (I love it with bananas, raisins, strawberries, blueberries, a bit of granola, mango, etc.)
  • Love my porridge (english oatmeal) with blueberries :)
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I've never liked oatmeal either...but I found that if you eat Quaker High Fiber Maple and Brown Sugar and add cinnamon to it, it's quite healthy and yummy! have you tried making oatmeal cookies?
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    I hate the texture in oatmeal packests, hate it. But...I love Mcanns Steel Cute Irish Oatmeal. It takes 3 minutes to make and tastes amazing. There is no sugar or anything so it is very bland. I cook it with Skim milk. I put out little bowls of brown sugar, fresh fruit and cinnamon. I love that I can vary the ingredients and the fact that everything tastes so fresh.
  • I use the instant flavored oatmeal and use 2 mini moo coffee creamers and the hot water. I find the mini moo creamers help the flavor a lot and I use extra water to thin it out.

    My favorite brand is the Quaker Oats Weight Control Banana Bread....yum!
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    I second the steel cut oats option. I use the old fasioned, most of the time, though and add vanilla yogurt or soy milk- more creamy, less mushy
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    Even though you have a Steelers logo on your ticker, I guess I will give you my positive two cents about oatmeal :P

    I've also been an avid hater of oatmeal, but I kept reading on here about steel cut oats, so I bought some this past weekend to try. The texture is different than what we're used to...more of a whole-grain type texture...and I make mine with less water so it's not soggy, but still has some "al dente" chew to it and it's actually not that bad. I have thrown in crasins and cinnamon sugar (just a teaspoon is 15 calories and plenty to sweeten my 1 cup of oatmeal with the tablespoon of craisins) and it's only around 200 calories, so...give it a shot! Steel cut aren't so bad :)
  • buy old fashioned oatmeal and cook it on the stove....use less water and more oatmeal...and don't cook it long. The texture is totally different and much more satisfying! whatever toppings...brown sugar, walnuts and butter is the best but not very diet friendly....I have learned to enjoy it with lemon juice!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I LOVE oatmeal, but I can not stomach the instant flavored ones because of texture as well. I think if you use regular oats and make it to the consistency that you and your family can endure that might be better. Add your own flavor. I put cinnamon, butter and brown sugar. Don't pile it on to keep it somewhat low cal, but just enough to give it a nice lil taste. Or just put some cinnamon in it.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I have a texture issue with oatmeal too. I stay away from the instant because it is too mushy. If I am making the regular I make sure that I DO NOT stir it. Once you put it in the water give it one quick stir, cover and do not touch it until you serve it up. This really helps it from becoming mushy.

    Also, you might try steal cut oats. This is oatmeal that hasn't been squished flat. Takes longer to cook, but it is more dense, not mushy, and the flavor is much nuttier. My kids also love it, who are both very picky.

    Hope this helps!
  • chelseamckell
    chelseamckell Posts: 27 Member
    I have the solution! MCDONALDS! Their new oatmeal is SO good! It has fruit bits in it and is $2. Your kids might eat it better cuz it came from a restaurant! Then you can tell them, "hey, let's make this ourselves at home!"
  • Ok... I am texture freak too! You need to go to the instant oatmeal part of your grocery store and fine the new packets called Better Oats. It is an instant Steel Cut oatmeal with flax and real ingredients. I loveit. I think it is actually alittle too sweet but I have found that if I pour out the packet slowly, I can leave some of the sugar in the packet. The blueberry muffin variety is in my desk and eaten every morning.
  • peacemom
    peacemom Posts: 64 Member
    Sometimes, I'll put in frozen blueberries (cools oatmeal), or walnuts, brown sugar or honey and a little margarine. I like different fruits in my oatmeal-bananas or raisins. I know some people never get over the texture thing-try cream of wheat or grits or cocoa wheats (my son's favorite-with a little brown sugar and butter). :smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I like to use rolled oats. I make it with milk and add dried cranberries, slivered almonds, lots of cinnamon, allspice and some nutmeg, and a little vanilla.
  • Steel cut oats for the win!
    They are very good, not gooey or lumpy.
  • add foods to the oatmeal that you/your kids enjoy. For example, I add peaches (light syrup) to give the oatmeal a flavor and a consistency I like.
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    I second the steel cut oats option. I use the old fasioned, most of the time, though and add vanilla yogurt or soy milk- more creamy, less mushy
    Hmmmm, I've never thought of adding yogurt instead. I am a HEAVY creamer type of gal. I'll have to definitely look into it!
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