
so i was watching Oprah and her and her crew went Vegan for a week. Some people got some good results.
I wanna try this. weather it turn in to a constant thing or not i think it would be worth trying.

sooo the question is.
what do u eat!!! lol. i mean like i know veggies and fruit are a big thing but how do u stay full and get a good balanced diet!


  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    i like some of the morningstar products.

    google recipes for vegans and you can find some good stuff.
    good luck.
    i have been bouncing back between vegan and vegetarian (oh cheese and sour cream....) since the start of the year and i have felt amazing.
  • Dreadz_Veggies_4Life
    Eat plenty of grains, legumes, and veggies. I absoblutely love wheat gluten, you can get it premade at Whole Foods or you can make it, I prefer the homemade. Quinoa and cous cous are great to incorporate in your meals. I have been vegtarian for 5 years and now I am making my way to being vegan. My husband has been vegan for ober 15 years and you really can see the benifits in his diet. A great cookbook is Vegan on a Vengance, it helps when preparing meals. WholeFoods and Trader Joes will def become your favorite places to shop! Good Luck!