College Sophomore-- Need A Change

I am a sophomore in college and in my crazy life its hard to make exercise a priority. I am a Pharmacy major and I take 7 classes which totals to be average about 5 hours a day. I am also a Resident Assistant which requires about 16 hours a week and I am very active with leadership positions in 3 student groups. With all of that, its hard to have a second to think, nevermind balance schoolwork and exercise and my boyfriend. I am constantly running from one meeting to another, some days leaving my dorm at 8am and not returning until 11 or 12 at night. I have been trying to stay within my MFP calorie intake and exercise goals but as soon as I start to loose the weight it all comes back and I go back to where I started after 1 super stressful day.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to balance school/work/life with exercise? I find myself feeling guilty taking an hour of my day to go to the gym when I could be studying.

Also, does anyone have any tips on healthy eating in the college dining hall? Its really hard to avoid grabbing a quick slice of pizza when I'm in a rush since it is available at every single meal time (even breakfast).

I just heard Alicia Silverstone speak recently and I am really inspired to try out the vegan lifestyle. I am going to spend the next 20 days trying to keep to it and see if that helps with my weight loss.

I would truly appreciate if anyone had any suggestions or ideas to help me reach my goals and balance my life.



  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    It definitely takes motivation, dedication, and devotion. I am a senior in college myself. There are plenty of people on MFP that have to balance just as much, if not more, then you and they still MAKE the time to workout. Even if you can only get in 30 minutes a day...DO IT. Also, do smaller things like take the stairs instead of the elevator at school. It only helps. If you have to wake up a little earlier to fit in some workouts, do it. Research some 30 to 45 min workouts. This will help you get an idea of what you can do. Good luck. You can do it.
  • drosenbauer
    Could you study at the gym? I work out at a college gym, and I see people studying there all the time. They just print out their notes, or bring their books, or use a device like an iPad or a Kindle to display class information in a flat sort of way. (Obviously a laptop isn't going to work too well on a treadmill...)
  • VBigaouette
    VBigaouette Posts: 2 Member
    Bring your notes to study while you workout. I would always make sure I had a stack of flashcards or notes to be reading through while I was on the treadmill or elliptical.

    For the caferteria... is there a salad bar? If so... fill up on a salad bar before grabbing that pizza. Also try to grab fruit instead of that pizza... you will be feeling much better at the end of the day.

    As for the vegan lifestyle... make sure you find a good way to get protein in your diet.

    Hopefully that helps!
  • misskelly121
    Hi, Im also in college. I just started on here, but I make sure that when I go to the dining hall I always get a piece of fruit and a salad. My school also has broiled chicken everyday, so I usually get that and dip it in ketchup (cause its awful and dry). Also, I go to the deli and order sandwhichs that I can watch them make so I can get what I want on it and its good for on the go. We have veggies all the time too so I typically will get some veggies. Get baked chips, or regular and only eat half the package and save half for another day. I also stocked my room with some healthy alternatives for times when the dining hall has nothing appitizing. I avoid the sodas and get water/lemonade/juice instead. And I don't even look at the dessert cases (yes, all 3 of them). Thats about all I can think of for now but feel free to add me as a friend on here!
  • teegood628
    I'm a Junior in College and I am a Nursing Major so I know the stresses of trying to balance different activities and positions and still try to be healthy. I have gained quite a bit of weight since I began college so I am trying to make small changes. I decided not to get a meal plan this year and cook in my apartment on campus. A slice of pizza or something quick isn't bad sometimes but if you can you should try to find better things to eat like salads, grilled things instead of fried, fruits, or yogurt, even change your drinks. Try to take the time out to plan your meals ahead of time or for the week. Try to cook it early or pack it with you to have as you move through your day. Studying is important but please try to get your exercise. You will feel better and sometimes will get the energy you need to study for awhile.

    Be careful with the vegan thing and make sure it is something you can really stick with. You do not want to completely deprive yourself of what you like because that is how a person winds up splurging.