Who else is snowed in????

mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
Who else is snowed in because of this storm????? let's chat!


  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I am ICED in. Loll. Sucks cause theres Zumba class tonight and I bet it wont be clear by then. I hate lazy days. :yawn:
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I am but we really didn't get much snow here - 6 inches tops I think.
  • jayshann
    jayshann Posts: 39 Member
    I am locked down.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    I am and it makes it harder not to eat!! I think today calls for more home exercise. Stay focused everyone :flowerforyou:
  • slimkitty
    We are locked down. It's OK 'cause I have tons of stuff to catch up on.
  • RebeccaM2386
    We are under serve winter storm advisory. It hasn't been to bad yet probaly about 5 to 6 inches compared to the 18 they said we where going to get but it isn't over yet.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I am for now!!! there i doubt i would be able to get my car out of the lot...cars have been getting stuck all morning....guess its an ab day!!!
  • cyfairslam
    cyfairslam Posts: 17 Member
    Rolling black outs all through the state of Texas due to power plant problems in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Shutting down power for 15 minutes every hour.

    Schools are closing all over. Traffic light shut down every 45 minutes. Your work computer goes down every 45 minutes. I believe everyone will be heading home by noon today.
  • bubbiemom8
    bubbiemom8 Posts: 5 Member
    Me. We measured the snow in our driveway. 15.5" or so.
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I am snowed in at my boyfriends and am struggling to not eat fried food and to find things healthy here to eat. Oatmeal has truly been my friend these past two days lol
  • kkrupp
    kkrupp Posts: 20
    Last night was scary, it was thundering while snowing!
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    Aw man, I hope you guys are all okay! We had terrible ice and snow here in Scotland for a couple of months, and I fell and hurt my coccyx. Stay safe everyone!!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Made it to work thanks to a 4wd truck.
    Slow around the area but things are still moving,takes a lot to shut us down.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    14 inches of snow with drifts that are 4 ft. Need to get out and shovel but it's only 8 degrees. Probably be out of school until Monday.
  • fasttrack27
    EVERYTHING is closed here in the Grand Rapids, MI area. I work from home so at least I can still get a few things done today. Already plowed out my 500' long driveway this a.m. (that was a challenge!) Gonna go help a few people do their driveways after lunch when snow tapers down. My neighbor parked on the side at the bottom of my drive 'cause they couldnt get up their hill, and as I was plowing I pushed 3'-4' of snow by the car (couldnt help it, nowhere else for it to go) - hope they dont plan on going anywhere today!!!
  • angie718
    I am "iced" in...my driveway has an incline onto the street...can't get traction and there's a frozen over snow drift at the end of it...blah....staying home...and all I want to do is SNACK! The gym I go to is a 24/7 gym and 2 miles from my house AND I CAN'T GET THERE! UGH!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    we got a bunch of sleet and ice, but since we are WESTERN NY nothing ever closes! LOL.

    sketchy drive in though!
  • jessicayoung82
    jessicayoung82 Posts: 157 Member
    My car is incased in about 2 inches of ice. And since no one else can get into the office today, I am working from home. Not so much fun with an 8 year old running around. Oh well, at least we are safe and warm at home.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Snow Day #2 - my exercise class was cancelled :( Yesterday was snowed in and I ate & drank so many calories! YIKES! Trying to do better today but I am hungry right now. We have snow drifts that are pretty high waiting for city to plow roads.
  • hlokty07
    Day 2 of no school and snowed in! We never see this kinda action in Dallas, TX! I am getting pretty bored though and running out of movies to watch!