Not seeing any results and need some help.

crobertson1916 Posts: 49
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Need some help: I'm literally working my booty off, eating right, and drinking all my water. Still, I'm not seeing any results on the scale. I just made my diary public, so any pointers you guys can offer are greatly appreciated.


  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I just looked through your last 4 full days and you have had leftover calories, sometimes A LOT, eachday. You must eat all your calories every day!!! Try it and I guarantee you'll drop.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    i'm on the same boat! i've been doing the elliptical 5x wk (20 mts) plus weights 3x wk, i'm counting claories here on MFP, no fast food, no soft drinks and plenty of water all day everyday. and the scale has not moved! I joined MFP since Jan 17th. i have noticed i lost an inch around waist and maybe 1/5 in around hips. help!
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Add sodium to what you are tracking. Could just be water retention :)
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Eat your calories and I would eat more protein too especially in the mornings...MFP's protein is low for most of us.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    my suggestion would be to lower your carbs and increase your lean protein.
  • Doesn't look like you're eating enough.

    My rule: on days with no exercise, it's okay to be a little under.

    But on days when you burn: you HAVE to eat some of that back. I go for 50-70% of them.

    Make sure on exercise days, you at least eat your net calorie goal.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You're not eating nearly enough most days. I looked through your diary and you average 700-1100 calories most days. One day you only got 600 calories. Your body needs more than that to function properly. If you get less than you need your metabolism will slow down and you will start storing fat. MFP calculates a calorie deficit for you so you need to meet your daily calorie goal, including eating exercise calories. Your daily goal is not a maximum, it's what you need to aim for.
  • that might be where i am going wrong as well then. i have been doing this for 4 weeks, lost three pounds and put two back on. i will definately try to eat all my calories. whish me luck!!
  • I know I've been telling myself that I'm not eating enough, but I just seriously feel full. I believe the comment about lowering the carb intake is probably spot on. What type of proteins - other than peanut butter, chicken, etc., would you guys recommend?
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I know I've been telling myself that I'm not eating enough, but I just seriously feel full. I believe the comment about lowering the carb intake is probably spot on. What type of proteins - other than peanut butter, chicken, etc., would you guys recommend?

    eggs are my favorite.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I think your ratios (carbs/fat/protein) are set incorrectly, way too many carbs and not enough protein, and the carbs you are eating are processed and nutritionally void, in my opinion. I believe your calorie count sounds about right but I would change it to 40/30/30 and start eating less processed foods and more "whole". :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I know I've been telling myself that I'm not eating enough, but I just seriously feel full. I believe the comment about lowering the carb intake is probably spot on. What type of proteins - other than peanut butter, chicken, etc., would you guys recommend?

    Definitely eggs, even lean deli meats, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, are some of my favorites.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Make sure you are eating your goal calories (as other said)

    Watch your sodium intake and added sugar with the processed foods. Get all your sugar from fruits and dairy.

    Have a larger more balanced breakfast with whole grain (oatmeal), fruits (strawberries or blueberries), and lean protein (turkey sausage and egg whites)

    You can add me if you like to see my diary.

    Add lean protein by eating egg whites, fish, lean turkey, other lean white meats. I like Atkins shakes because they're filling, high in protien and low in sugar.

    Good Luck :)
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    First of all, I think you're doing a good job! You're burning some serious calories nearly every day from exercise. I'm not an expert or a nutritionist but, like some others have said, some days you're just not eating enough. Like last Wed. the 26th, you had 800+ calories left over. Wow! I try to get within 150 calories of my daily goal so my body doesn't start storing calories as fat. Again, I'm not an expert but it's been working for me.

    One reason I think you're not hitting your calorie marks is that your diet doesn't seem to be very consistent. What I mean by that is some days your diet does not seem to have balanced meals throughout the day. Some days you skip lunch or dinner and then try to make up for it with a lot of snacks or a large meal. I think you might be tricking your body into thinking it's starving by not eating regularly enough and not eating enough calories.

    Also, are you taking measurements? if so, have you seen any changes? If not, I would start because it can be really motivating. Hope my comments help.
  • First of all, I think you're doing a good job! You're burning some serious calories nearly every day from exercise. I'm not an expert or a nutritionist but, like some others have said, some days you're just not eating enough. Like last Wed. the 26th, you had 800+ calories left over. Wow! I try to get within 150 calories of my daily goal so my body doesn't start storing calories as fat. Again, I'm not an expert but it's been working for me.

    One reason I think you're not hitting your calorie marks is that your diet doesn't seem to be very consistent. What I mean by that is some days your diet does not seem to have balanced meals throughout the day. Some days you skip lunch or dinner and then try to make up for it with a lot of snacks or a large meal. I think you might be tricking your body into thinking it's starving by not eating regularly enough and not eating enough calories.

    Also, are you taking measurements? if so, have you seen any changes? If not, I would start because it can be really motivating. Hope my comments help.

    Thank you very much. Yes. I have been tracking my measurements as well. I normally track them on a monthly basis and have seen some results.
  • Ballay
    Ballay Posts: 52 Member
    You might also be gaining muscle mass and losing fat.
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