kelligonzales Posts: 391
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I eat under calories everyday, i workout everyday. On average i burn 300 calories a day and i'm okay with that. I can see a difference. HOW THE HELL DID I GAIN 5.2 LBS? WTF? I'm not even post my weight today cause it makes me depressed.


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Is it your time of the month? I used to gain 5 pounds right before I started. It was always gone 3 days into my cycle. Weight fluctuates so much. You might want to measure yourself and go by that. Go by how your clothes feel and watch the inches melt away. The scale can be your worst enemy and it can lie like nobody's business. Also really keep track of your sodium intake and drink all of your water. It's ok. This is only temporary. Do not let it make you feel discouraged enough to quit!
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I agree with the person above... I was suppose to weigh in Sunday but decided not to put my weight... I was a couple pounds heavier because I was set the start Tuesday... So I'm not even going to weigh in this week. And muscle does weigh more than fat...
  • You may not be eating enough calories per day, i know it sounds weird but you need a certain amount of calories otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and store the bad fats that you want your body to get rid of.
  • It could also be the time of day you weighed yourself. If you had just eaten or (like a previous member mentioned) you are wearing heavier clothes it could really make a difference. Weight really does fluctuate throughout the day. I would probably say to weigh yourself around the same time of week and day you did last time.

    And like another member mentioned, it could be that your metabolism has slowed if you're continuously under the calorie goal. (I know how hard it is to reach the goal!)
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Sometimes I honestly want to say F You scale! Measure yourself and watch your inches. Make sure you are eating enough calories not under and drink up on water. You sound like you are doing everything right... according to my scale I gain and loose 2-3 pounds each day... Ridiculous!
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    Do you weigh yourself daily? If that is just one day's weight, DON'T log it. It may be hormonal or salt, etc. That happened to me a while back and I FREAKED OUT and then it was gone in a day or two.

    I now weigh every morning and I don't take a loss as a loss or a gain as a gain unless I see it for a few mornings in a row.

    ((((((hugs)))))))) Slow and steady wins the race! You got this. Don't get discouraged and quit, OK???
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    my scale has a mind of it is own, I can get on, off and back on and hvae totally different readings. You just have to have peace in knowing that you are doing the right thing!
  • Plzcallmetee1
    Plzcallmetee1 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you been lifting weights? Sometimes that can lead to slight weight gain. The good thing is that you will also lose inches so a better measure is how your clothes are fitting.
  • This is true, it could be your time of the month, but you should also try to eat most if not all your calories, especially when you work out.
  • Is it your time of the month? I used to gain 5 pounds right before I started. It was always gone 3 days into my cycle. Weight fluctuates so much. You might want to measure yourself and go by that. Go by how your clothes feel and watch the inches melt away. The scale can be your worst enemy and it can lie like nobody's business. Also really keep track of your sodium intake and drink all of your water. It's ok. This is only temporary. Do not let it make you feel discouraged enough to quit!

    Not not my time of the month. that was a week ago. I can feel my endurance going up and im doing my video longer and more correct. I'm in tears I've been working so hard. I'm OCD about what i put in my mouth. I was over 102 calories on monday night by i had a date night with the husband and didn't think that every once in a while was a big deal. I buy salt free seasonings. I'm mean It's not like I'm never over in salt cause i try and monitor that. I don't know what to do. I believe in this site so much a lifestyle change not a diet. I consider what i'm doing a diet. It's being more aware of what i eat and how i live life.
  • i am supposed to start my monthly around the 6th and as of monday i have gained 2.2 lbs this week....i know its frustrating but i was hoping it was cause if that..... because i have been working out every day and weighing my food and everything staying within my calorie goal, eating some of my work out caloies and everything... and then to step on the scale was more than aggravating.
  • Do you weigh yourself daily? If that is just one day's weight, DON'T log it. It may be hormonal or salt, etc. That happened to me a while back and I FREAKED OUT and then it was gone in a day or two.

    I now weigh every morning and I don't take a loss as a loss or a gain as a gain unless I see it for a few mornings in a row.

    ((((((hugs)))))))) Slow and steady wins the race! You got this. Don't get discouraged and quit, OK???

    I weigh the once a week naked in the morning before i eat. I had to put the scale away cause i will weigh myself easy 10 times a day. It's not healthy so i put it away but my one time a week.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You're not eating enough. It looks like a lot of days you're only 700-800 net calories. That just isn't enough for your body to function properly. MFP already gives you a calorie deficit so you shouldn't be eating less than your daily calorie goal, which includes eating exercise calories.

    If you have a hard time eating enough you should cut back on the exercise. There's no reason you need to burn 1000 calories in one day.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I really hate the scale, so I sent it away. When the weather breaks here I'm going to have my daughter bring it home so I can weigh and then it's going back to her house for 2 weeks. If I keep that thing at home I'm on it 4 to 5 times a day and I get discouraged. I feel lighter and I look like I've lost weight even if that stupid thing says that I haven't. Just keep doing what you're doing and it will come off.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    You're not eating enough. It looks like a lot of days you're only 700-800 net calories. That just isn't enough for your body to function properly. MFP already gives you a calorie deficit so you shouldn't be eating less than your daily calorie goal, which includes eating exercise calories.

    If you have a hard time eating enough you should cut back on the exercise. There's no reason you need to burn 1000 calories in one day.

    AGREED! Calories are not a weight. They are energy. Your body needs energy to produce energy. If you do not give your body enough it will hold onto the little bit you do give in order to preserve your energy supply. Please read the MFP links someone above posted. They will explain why you should be eating at least 1200 + exercise calories per day. Good luck!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Sometimes I honestly want to say F You scale! Measure yourself and watch your inches. Make sure you are eating enough calories not under and drink up on water. You sound like you are doing everything right... according to my scale I gain and loose 2-3 pounds each day... Ridiculous!
    You do. When we sleep we respire all night while taking in no additional fluids. Generally you will weigh the least after your morning potty and gain 1-5 lbs during the day from water intake, food intake, sodium intake should always weigh first thing in the morning and no other time because it'll get frustrating. I do occasionally jump on in the evening but I know my number is 3 pounds PM to AM so I just mentally subtract that number. the other thing i find helpful is NOT weighing in too often. once every two or three days. then you are more likely to see a continuing negative trend and, at least for me that is motivation.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If you ate out for your date night, it's the sodium in the food you had. Restaurant food will have about twice our daily recommended portion of sodium even if you choose from the diet menu. Take a day off exercise, drink lots of water, and relax. Try your weigh in again in a couple of days.
  • rhazelwood
    rhazelwood Posts: 42 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have to keep reminding myself that the numbers on the scale aren't even telling half of the story. I feel my clothes getting looser, I see my shape changing, I know muscle weighs more than fat. Biggest thing to keep in mind is that MUSCLE ALSO BURNS FAT. I've been down this path before and I know the day comes where it seems like all of a sudden the tide turns and pounds start dropping - all we can do is focus on the signs of progress. I think I'll measure tomorrow morning and see if those numbers are shrinking since the ones on the scale are holding steady :)
  • rhazelwood
    rhazelwood Posts: 42 Member
    I misspoke and couldn't go back to edit: Muscle doesn't necessarily burn fat, but one pound of muscle burns 6 calories a day where a pound of fat only burns 2 calories a day. So by replacing fat with muscle, you burn 3 times the calories for everything you do throughout the day. A pound of muscle is also about 1/3 of the bulk of fat
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