dieting and exercising and now GAINING weight

I lost about 7 pounds over 2 months but now I am GAINING weight. I have another 17 pounds to go. I try to exercise daily, I eat back my exercise calories, I log every single thing that goes in my mouth, and I have not changed anything (meaning I am eating right and exercising, but now instead of losing weight as I had been it is coming BACK! I follow the calories and fat, etc, on MFP so what am I doing wrong? I know that sometimes you then gain weight as muscle replaces fat, but if this is the case how LONG should it take before this balances out so to speak and I go back to losing again? It is very discouraging! Thanks.


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You are most likely not burning more calories than you eat. You need to create a deficit to lose weight. If you are gaining, obviously you must be eating more than you burn.

    Try eating half of the exercise calories back, and for goodness sake (not sure if you do this, but making a general statement here) don't track things like housework, etc., but do track every little thing that goes in your mouth, i.e. mustard, coffee, etc.. Every bit should be accounted for to really know where you stand.
  • synchrohobbit
    synchrohobbit Posts: 58 Member
    I have gained two pounds since joining, but my waist size has not changed. So if your measurements aren't changing, it is probably fat turning into muscle. The thing about logging calories for exercise on here is they basically just calculate it off your weight and age. As you get more fit you may actually be burning less calories with the same time/distance because your muscles are becoming more efficient. This means it is time to pick it up and you will get even more in shape!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Without being able to see your diary, it's hard to give suggestions. We can only offer the basics -- are you drinking enough water? Is your sodium level too high? Either will force you to retain water, which would explain the extra on the scale. Did you do measurements before you started? If so, have those changed? Your weight can remain steady but you could be losing inches (which is far more desirable than a random number on a scale). Are you eating enough protein? The default levels on here are too low for people who reguarly work out.

    Are you doing different routines or the same workout every single day? If you're doing the same reps and always working the same muscles, you won't see the results you originally saw as the body adapts to the strain of working out.
  • texaslonghorn42
    texaslonghorn42 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you so much to those of you that have replied so far. I may try to cut down on eating all of my exercise calories back but make sure that I always net at least 1200 as I don't want to go into stavation mode. I do drink a ton of water... at least 12 glasses a day, and I vary my exercise between jogging, yoga, and strength training. I am not adding in any other routine daily things (housework, etc). I so eat plenty of protein - I have to as I just finished two months of daily radiation treatment in Oct (had breast cancer) so try to always make sure I am getting enough protein for my destroyed cells to continue to repair themselves. I gained the 15 plus pounds going through surgery and radiation as I was too tired to exercise (some days I could barely shower) and had to eat a TON of protein and calories. Was more worried about having more than enough calories than trying to diet during that time. My measurements haven't really changed much. I guess I wondered if anyone else had experienced a weight GAIN from muscle and if so how long should this last before the scale starts going back down? Thanks again all - it is hard to not get discouraged some days but I just keep after it!