How often do you weigh in? Whats' your workout schedule?

mrstyle25 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm currently weighing in once a week on Friday mornings prior to my workout. I did this the second day I started working out and have just stuck with it. I'm wondering if I should go to twice a week, to help me tweak my diet and routine more, or if I should stick with the once a week approach.

if I go to twice a week it would be Tuesday morning before workouts and Friday mornings before workout. Monday is my off day, so that means I would have three days of workouts between each weigh-in. That keeps it even and fair, right?

Always eat right despite one off day and workouts consist of cardio at ther gym followed by Xbox Kinect Biggest Loser calistinics workout.

* Monday - Off day

* Tuesday - Weigh/Workout
* Wednesday - Workout
* Thursday - Workout

* Friday - Weigh/Workout
* Saturday - Workout
* Sunday - Workout

Have a great and healthy day everyone!!!


  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I weigh in everyday..just for my own piece of mind. I work out 6 days a week for 30-50 minutes depending on what I want to do.
  • Weigh in once a week with my other MFP members that are my friends. Monday morning first thing.
  • Hi there,
    I would suggest keeping to your once a week and perhaps also measure yourself once a month? As you lose weight and gain muscle, you'll be shrinking, but your weight might be creeping up due to the muscle! Just a thought for you
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    I weigh in when I'm feeling lucky. I don't see a lot of movement on the scale but I am seeing it in my body as I lose the jiggly stuff and gain muscle tone. Seeing the pounds go down is awesome but imagining myself feeling better on the beach the summer gets me through that bit.
  • My doctor & trainer both say once a week is good. My routines were Mon-Sat & Sun rested. Monday a.m. I would weigh-in......but I guess it's up to the individual...........Hope this helps.........GOOD LUCK...................:glasses:
  • I weigh in twice a month but I think I will start doing it once a month. I don't want to live by the clothes will tell me if I'm losing or gaining.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I work out mon thru sat. I weigh myself first thing wed morning before I drink ot eat anything or workout. I weigh in wed because if I see something off I can fix it and not waste the week doing something that doesnt work.
  • Oh, my workout schedule:

    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Cardio
    Wednesday - Cardio
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Cardio
    Saturday - Cardio and Circuit Training
    Sunday - Cardio and Circuit Training
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm weigh daily. It keeps me accountable that way I'm not a week behind when I figure out I'm off path. I only log it when I'm down, to record my lowest weight. I weigh before I work out to avoid dehydration loss.

    I work out at 4:30 M-F and in the AM on weekends. I sometimes run in the evenings or weekends if it's not too dark or I want the extra stress relief.
  • I weigh in every morning before a work out
    I alternate how I work out, I do body splits.. So one day I will work legs the next I will work half my upper body next is legs then after that is the other half of my upper.. I work out 5 days a week with Sat and Sun off... I do minimal cardio
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    As far as working out... between 2 and 4 days a week. I like to do LA Boxing twice a week and then try to fit in regular gym twice a week to do a little strength training and treadmill / elliptical. LA Boxing workouts are 1 hour and at the gym I usually spend about 1.5 hours. With more free time I'd really like to do maybe 5 days a week, but you prioritize your life and you do what you can.

    Now that I've gotten accustomed to making myself sweat I might give P90x a try this month at the recommendation of a friend of mine who's completed it and been really happy with it. I'd like to keep up my other schedule as well but I have no idea if I'll be able to handle that or not until I get there.
  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    I work out evenings Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
    Wednesday I focus most on weights.
    Thursday I mix weights and treadmill running.
    Friday's I do HIIT training with treadmill/elliptical/cycling
    Saturday I do HIIT as well, and go wild since it's a day I do not work and have the next day off.

    I weight in Saturday mornings before breakfast.
  • Kassul
    Kassul Posts: 16
    I find once a week is fine for me to keep track of overall trends without getting hung up on tiny variations.
    If I weighed myself every day I'd get neurotic about tiny shifts up or down and just mess myself up.
  • I switched from weighing daily to weighing once a week, on Friday mornings.

    I do workout Dvd, usually at 5 am, 30-60 minutes depending on Dvd. (I have several Jillian Michaels and a couple Billy Banks)

    I walk 3+ miles on Saturday mid-day.

    Sunday I rest.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I weigh in twice a month but I think I will start doing it once a month. I don't want to live by the clothes will tell me if I'm losing or gaining.

    I used to weigh every day but that's too depressing so I'm going to do this too!
  • I weigh myself every morning.After a while, I will try to switch to weighing in once a week, but I do it everyday for now. I generally work out 6 days a week for at least an hour at the gym. I divide my time between the ellipticals, arc trainer, treadmills, and track most days depending on what I feel like doing that day. I also do 30 Day Shred occasionally, though not as often as I should.

    Also, Sundays are usually my rest days, but sometimes it just depends on my schedule.
  • Fun to see everyone’s approach.

    I am weighing only once a month. Exercise is Monday through Saturday. Three of those days are yoga. The others are a mix of cardio and strength training (elliptical, , stationary bike, body pump class, bootcamp). Every other week I do two workouts in one day and rest the day after.
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I weigh in on Saturdays
    and I dont have a regular work out schedeul
    I probably should, but i I find it so hard where Im a casual at work so I never know my work scheduel and I work 12 hour shifts.
  • laurie_powers
    laurie_powers Posts: 103 Member
    I weigh in daily just so I can keep focused.

    My workout schedule is I try to run every other day at least (I'm running an 8 k next month) and I have been adding some light weights to try to define muscle whenever I think about it. :) Not very scheduled, but it's more than I was doing before, and I'm seeing results! I definitely have more endurance with running. YAY me!
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    I must be the only one who weighs in every 2 wks (Sun), I do it for my sanity, I use to go crazy not seeing the scale drop after my workout or a few days after. It has worked for me, I've been consistenly losing. I take my measurements every 2 wks as well.
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