It's the Wednesday daily thread! What's up with you today?

First of all......if you're in the path of this storm...stay safe!!

Other than that, what's up with you today? For me, it's cat rescue work day. I've already been out chipping ice and shoveling snow. The yard pretty much looks like a disaster area with downed branches from the 50 mph winds. :( I'll have a lot of work to do when this stuff melts!

Anyway, after cat rescue duty, I've got some paperwork to do, then a writing workshop tonight. What does your day hold in store for you?


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Snow day here. Getting ready to do Jillian Michael's shred. Will probably shovel snow later when the temp gets a little higher.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    A morning of editing, appointment at the gym with my trainer (surprised he hasn't cancelled...) and then more editing =)
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    Working, then home to bathe the child, cook some dinner and hopefully figure out the calorie counting on Dance Central for the XBox Kinect :)

    i am boring LOL
  • sburt1
    sburt1 Posts: 51 Member
    I have a snow day as well. Going to go start the car here in a few and head to the gym, then back home to cuddle up and stay warm!!!
  • fannyanntut
    fannyanntut Posts: 39 Member
    An early start and busy morning and now off to kick some fat's *kitten* on the cross-trainer with the help of Lady Gaga xx
  • nejohn
    nejohn Posts: 62
    Work all day for me then hitting the gym tonight!
  • Goldie5820
    Get to enjoy the day off due to weather. This doesn't happen very often. Going to get energetic and go outside for awhile for exercise.:smile:
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Working today, then hitting my Zumba class at my lunch break. Then a long night of meetings and class.
  • Thorneapple
    Working today, then probably more shovelling when I get home.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    It's a lot more prosaic for me. I'm a retired househusband and today is my main housework day. So, laundry, cleaning, bills, etc. If I have the time I'll start cleaning out the back bedroom and turn it into my 'exercise room'.

    Of course, all this is predicated on me getting off this damned computer... ;)
  • Lutiebelle
    Lutiebelle Posts: 36 Member
    Enjoying 68-degree weather here in Wendell, NC. Soooo glad I'm not snowed in!
  • keishabruner
    work today then another episode of my love/hate relationship with the elliptical immediately after... hehehe