Support and motivation

Hi All. I have been on the site for a while, and I am really looking for some support and motivation from people who are at a similiar place as I am. I am currently 269lbs. I want the be at about 180lbs. That is a lot of weight to shed, But i figure if I can put it on I can take it off, right? I wish it were really that easy. My Body continues to fight against me, back in high school, (about 8 years ago) I was anorexic, I never weighed less that 170 but i dropped about 40 lbs in a month. Ever since my body hates me.
I'm looking to make firneds with people who have a lot of weight to loose as I do, and those who have already lost the weight so that we can share stories, good days and bad. I am finally realizing that I can not change over night, and neither can my weight. This is going to take years but hopefully only 1 year. If anyone is interested, let me know, add me as a friend, or continue the forum so we can all share together. =)



  • apollopom1
    apollopom1 Posts: 24 Member
    I have a lot to lose (over 100lbs) and am feeling pretty good right now. I just started and it is coming off pretty easy just by counting the calories and staying within my range. I also do light exercising daily and usually eat back those calories. I anticipate it is going to get harder as I lose more weight and will need a lot of motivation. I find that seeing people's before and after pictures helps a lot. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute some of those to for others. I'll be your friend and you can call on me any time for support. Good luck!!!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I've got a 145 pounds to lose - at my cardiologist's insistence. Fascist swine. If you want an old fart as a diet buddy, I'd be happy to oblige.;)
  • Amber2089
    I have been trying to get out and walk for 30 minutes everyday. I feel like this is an easy task that will actually be beneficial, however I can not motivate myself to get off my *kitten* and do it! Why not? I want to, I know I can, but i still don't. I'm so fed up with myself, I'm not sure what I can do to motivate myself anymore.