just wondered...?

My set daily total calories is at 1200, thinking that was the total I was allowed I kept to that, though usually it was under by a couple hundred calories... I have been on mfp for about 3 weeks now and have been losing weight. However, I noticed the little note last week telling me off if I did eat less than 1200 calories a day. Wanting to remain healthy and not force my body into starvation mode I began eating just over the daily allowance (I'm sure everyone will find it difficult to be exactly on target!) but since doing this, I have put 1lb back on. I know 1bl is not a lot and my just be a bit of a fluctuation but don't know what to do for the best! Do I carry on eating as I was, remaining under the 1200 calories but losing weight, or do I eat just over my goal of 1200 and risk putting more weight back on???

Any advice will be greatly appreciated :smile:


  • Slammedtoys
    your body needs more then 1200 cals a day just to operate
  • danielleelaineg90
    danielleelaineg90 Posts: 14 Member
    ok I'll take that into mind. thank you! :smile:
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I get "yelled at" all the time on here for being right under 1200. I try to workout at least a little bit so I can eat slightly over 1200 and not feel bad. haha In order for your body not to go into starvation mode (according to a ton of other website EXCEPT this one) women shouldn't be under 1000.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    I would eat at least 1200 plus a portion or most of your exercise calories. Remember that the formula figures in a deficit so if you are a bit over your limit you would sitll be operating at a deficit for the day. Don't worry about the 1 pound. Based on what you said it is not real weight and will come off, may be water, hormones, salt, whatever. Going up one time can't be used to draw any conclusions about your calorie intake unless it is a trend over several weeks.
  • momofssc
    momofssc Posts: 11 Member
    It is important to know that when your body goes into starvation mode it will hoard fat because it's "starving". That may be why you gained 1lb. Also, it could be water weight. I wouldn't worry until you're gaining more than 1lb and you haven't changed your diet. It's also a good idea to eat about 200 cal over your goal to increase your metabolism back up if you feel sluggish. Every body type is different. The computer can't give you a specific diet without you making modifications.
  • danielleelaineg90
    danielleelaineg90 Posts: 14 Member
    thank you everyone for your help!