Incredible shrinking lower body

I have lost 22 pounds and am noticing a big difference in my lower body, but only a small difference in my upper body. Is there something I can do to help shrink the top part of me (arms, stomach, back) so I don't look like a beach ball on stilts?? I mainly do cardio, will target strength training help shrink the upper part?


  • misty1208
    haha Im built the same. Apple on a stick! =P
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    You body loses weight how and where it chooses to, and there's nothing you can really do to change that. Working out certain areas of your body will help to tone those areas, but it won't cause you to lose any weight there.

    Luckily there is one thing you can do, and it's the simplest option. That's keep on track and keep losing weight. As you continue to lose, your body will start to lose it other places and it will balance itself out once you get closer to your final goal.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    We loose weight and inches first at the places where we put the weight and inches last, and viceversa. Keep doing cardio and eat healthy and your body fat, inches, and weight will come down.

    We can not fool Mother Nature for ever!
  • sarahtiano
    sarahtiano Posts: 78 Member
    Coming from a Pear with hips the size of oklahoma...
    The Insanity Cardio Abs DVD is great... so is Jillian Michael's thirty day shred. Swimming tones arms like nobody's business too...
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I feel the same way, Nikki. My legs are a lot smaller, just wish I would have taken measurements. But today I did notice what I think is the beginning of a waist! lol My dear aunt told me 40 years ago that I had "farmer arms" and unfortunately, I still do. I'm going to start doing some arm exercises and try to tone them up before summer. I think we both have to do more weight training and keep up the cardio too. It will pay off in the long run.
  • kelsiehulme
    kelsiehulme Posts: 8 Member
    ooh! im a good old apple too!..

    my legs are fabulous! haha!
    but my upper body is horrid!

    but i agree with PP im going to carry on and let my body balance itself out! xx