Diet Pills-helpful or harmful?

dearstarling Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I've always been a believer that they are placebos mostly, but whatever gets you in the frame of mind to succeed is worth it! Any suggestions on ones I should/can try? Super tight budget but I need to hit this weight loss biz from all angles. Thanks! =]


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Harmful- they aren't placebos, they have a lot of chemicals in them with harsh diuretics that are just really bad for you.
  • ChristyDPierce
    ChristyDPierce Posts: 36 Member
    i think harmful it all nat-ur-al :drinker:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    If you have extra money buy extra healthy food. Pills would be a waste.
  • I took one that reacted with something in me. I got sent home from work because everyone was afraid to look at me, I was very agitated for no reason. Definately harmful.
  • Very Harmful...I do research for a pharmaceutical company and I study Type 2 diabetes and Obesity...Many drugs out there in the market right now are not FDA approved which means they have not been tested for safety...and many prescription obesity drugs that were submitted to the FDA were put on hold because of safety issues they've found.

    Don't take them especially because if you we get off them it is pretty much gauranteed that you will gain the weight back...I can't provide sources because they're on certain medical journal sites...but I can tell you first hand that I took some when I was in college and gained it all back when I got off them
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    harmful most definitely.
  • Tamara981
    Tamara981 Posts: 11 Member
    I took Alli and had good results but they are kind of expensive.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Do NOT take them.
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    Amen to that! Soooo harmful! Not to mention a total waste of money...Stick to the old fashioned tried-and-true methods of healthy eating and exercise!
  • ther are a few types and i would say no to all of them .. there are ones that you go to diet clinics for they are basically speed they damage your heart valves and leave you addicted.. there are the diuretics that basically get rid of water so you are dehydrated not thinner, and that new one i cant remember the name but its about 25 pounds from boots it gives you diarrhoea if you eat anything with fat in it.. so all in all buy fruit and veg and eat healthy foods .. half the plate veg 1/4 of the plate starch and 1/4 plate protein
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    I agree with the others, those things scare me. I'd do it the old fashioned way. Much safer, and in the end you can take pride in the fact that you did it all through your own willpower.
  • I've taken them all and yes, they are harmful!!!

    Here is my advice on taking pills:
    Go to the checkout at your favorite grocery store and buy these magical diet pills that are marketed as "Tic Tacs"
    They come in a multitude of flavors - pick your favorite. I prefer the cinnamon. :)
    Every morning, get out your bottle of these little secret pills and take one with a 16 oz glass of water right before your breakfast. Take a Tic Tac brand diet pill with 16 oz of water every time you are hungry- and about 30 minutes before each meal.
    Please note: Tic Tacs diet pills won't work unless you use 16 oz of water to ..umm... unlock the magical fat-burning powers, so be sure that every time you take one it is with a minimum of 16 oz.

    Do not exceed 10 Tic Tacs per day. Tic Tacs should be stored in a dry environment. Discuss this and all treatment plans with your doctor.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
  • I took Alli and had good results but they are kind of expensive.

    Alli is an FDA approved drug but it is expensive and it is a lower dose of the prescription drug...but yes it is a diuretic (gives you the runs..diarhhea) when you eat fatty foods...which makes you dehydrated which slows the weight loss..
  • Tamara981
    Tamara981 Posts: 11 Member
    thinner, and that new one i cant remember the name but its about 25 pounds from boots it gives you diarrhoea if you eat anything with fat in it..

    You are thinking of Alli, and it only does that if you go over your alotted fat intake for a meal. Because Alli blocks your body from absorbing all the fat you eat there is only one place for it to go.
  • Tried them and they dont really work - i think Tamara is talking about the Alli diet pills that stop you absorbing fat - beware as makes your poo orange and oily!

    Tried a fat binder pill too and that was rubbish. Waste of time - its much easier counting calories and not depriving yourself too much.

    I am one of those people that would love to do this an easy way - have tried them all including lighter life - you gain weight again if you go back to old eating habits. this site helps a lot as you can keep an eye on what your intake is.
  • sumotang
    sumotang Posts: 3 Member
    People who take diet pills and all these other fad weight loss schemes are just trying to find an easy way to lose weight. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to change your lifestyle via hard work and determination.

    Its a simple rule calories in v's calories burned. Get up and get active and take responsibility for your body!
  • If you have extra money buy extra healthy food. Pills would be a waste.

    Very good point!

    I dont want diarheaa or to be cracked out, I guess I wanted something extra to boost my weight loss. But in reality, you all had wonderful advice: tried and true! Like the rabbit and the tortoise I guess LoL. I am losing weight constant and steady, just at a very snail-y pace! But thats more long term than popping pills I guess.

    This site has been helpful in at least making me aware of what I eat and what it "costs" me. That in itself is a huge improvment.

    Get up and get active and take responsibility for your body!

    Thank you everyone!!!!
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