A confession of sorts - - -

debbimj Posts: 29
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I'm on Day 5, and I told myself I would only weigh once a week, but . . . I weighed today, and I haven't lost ANY weight. I've kept an honest food and exercise log . . . so I'm just feeling a bit down. I thought I'd better release my thoughts . . .get rid of them of sorts. Thanks for listening!
Debbi in So. Calif.


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I weigh myself every day. There are good days and bad days. I tend to have about a 10 lbs swing up and down. I really would not worry to much if you didn't see any downward progress yet.
    Also if you happened to be working out more, there is the possibility that you are putting on muscle mass, that will weigh more. You could track BMI in that case instead.
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    You might find this article interesting: http://marckent.com/288/why-the-scale-lies/
  • I weigh myself either every day or every other day and sometimes I stay the same, sometimes I lose some...
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Don't get too frustrated. I didn't lose anything and in fact 'gained' a half pound in the first week! I didn't start losing until about 2 weeks in. I think my body was in shock and didn't want to let go of anything. I have just started week 3 and have lost just over 2lbs. I am planning on losing 20 lbs. over all. Keep doing what you know is right for your body. I noticed that I felt lighter even though the scale wasn't giving me anything positive. Also use a measuring tape and check your measurements you may find that they have gone down a little. Good luck!
  • Thats ok! You WILL see results. Just keep doing what you are doing- working out and eating right, and they will come! Do not be discouraged. Be of good cheer! I am the same way with the scale, we have a love hate relationship. Sometimes we are in harmony- other days- we are NOT friends.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    You will lose! Stick with it! We all have different bodies and metabolisms so some will lose a lot and some will lose little so just stay diligent and positive and it will all work out!
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    It happens! Are you drinking enough water? that is super important!
  • I'm a rookie at this whole thing and just started here as well, welcome to your journey!

    I am cutting and pasting a post that I made when someone said they hadn't lost weight. It's just my opinion about this whole process:

    I have to say, I realize I may be naive when I say this, but people shouldn't focus, at least initially it seems to me, on direct progress. The reason why I say this is because if you're learning virtually anything else in life we expect a learning curve. But it seems when we are anxious, eager and impatient to lose weight and anticipating our newly svelte bodies we just cannot adjust our expectations for the reality that our bodies will need to learn also- that we have a whole lot of bad habits and personal emotional backstabbing to alter. It takes a lot of emotional effort to do all of these things! Forgive yourself, analyze, make a plan and focus on proper form like you would for exercising properly. The key is to learn how to do this consistently and be fair and honest with yourself I think.
  • I have to admit... I do weigh myself every day. Sometimes more out of curiosity than anything but you just can't put too much emphasis on it. When you look in the mirror you'll see some changes and when you put on clothes they'll fit a little loosely.

    Something to remember as well is water... one 8 oz. cup weight about a half a pound. So, depending on the time of day you're weighing yourself you may have had three more glasses of water than that same time the day before. That's going to be a pound and a half!

    Use the scale as a guide but not a judge.
  • Thank you -- to each and every one of you! Your words touched my heart, and my smile has returned . . . I couln't have done it without you!
  • Inner_Skinny has it right.

    I've been really trying for about 3 weeks and it looked like I lost a pound or two but then the scale went right back to where I started. It's so frustrating!! But I know I am eating less and making better choices. I know I am exercising a bit more. I know I'm drinking less beer (lol). I hear my stomach growl every once in awhile, a sound I haven't heard for years. So what I am doing has got to be good for me, right? I'm changing the bad habits - and somewhere inside, my body has to be making some kind of adjustments. It took me many years to accumulate the weight, so it will take more than a few weeks to dump it. We need to be patient, even though it's hard. Good luck!!
    PS. I don't know if it's my imagination, but I do think I feel more energetic, if not lighter!
  • ems152
    ems152 Posts: 46 Member
    I think it can take your body a week or two to kick in! As someone said, you can put on weight in muscle mass when you exercise. Also, the more you exercise, the more your metabolism will increase. Extra muscle mass also increases metabolism. Water retention/loss can also make your weight fluctuate a lot. Don't be put off by a the scales not moving after 5 days. Keep going...you can do it!
  • I weigh myself twice a day, its a good way to not lose focus. dont let it bring you down.
  • I lose or gain 1-2 lbs a day. It fluctuates. I only count what happens at my week's end though. But I do notice my clothes fitting better. The scale doesn't tell you that.
  • I weigh myself twice a day, its a good way to not lose focus. dont let it bring you down.

    I do the same thing - once when I wake up and once before bed... more out of curiousity... I can easily gain 2lbs during the day and then wake up 3lbs lighter!

    Just keep going, you're on the right track & every day you just get closer to the goal weight - the scale will catch up with you!
    (My first 3 weeks I lost a total of like 5lbs, and then in week 4, I lost 4lbs - just that week! It was like the scale finally caught on)
  • sldsld
    sldsld Posts: 13
    I understand how you feel, that's why I don't own a scale. Although, I recently started thinking that it might be a good investment because it is another tool/ measure. So, today I almost bought one but then, midway to the store, I turned around and went back home. And was proud I did, because I figured that if I just weighed myself when I'm at the gym, I won't feel so bad (regardless of the #) because I will be either pre or post workout.

    Don't know if my reasoning helped... or if you even belong to a gym, BUT I do know to "beware of the scale." Maybe focus on other aspects like your meeting your daily caloric or exercise goals???
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    I'm on Day 5, and I told myself I would only weigh once a week, but . . . I weighed today, and I haven't lost ANY weight. I've kept an honest food and exercise log . . . so I'm just feeling a bit down. I thought I'd better release my thoughts . . .get rid of them of sorts. Thanks for listening!
    Debbi in So. Calif.
    Missed this yesterday, but here's my take for what is worth. I too, have a weighin day. Mine is Monday and that was on purpose, because I usually blow everything I've done all week on the weekends and I mean, REALLY, what's the point right! So by weighin
    on Mondays, I'm very strict on myself on the weekend. I've only had one weighin since I've joined the site but I'd lost weight and isn't that the mission here. Don't worry about the other day. Stay with your weighin day and I think you'll be surprised. This is a journey...not a fast trip!:wink:
  • Thank you -- to each and every one of you! Your words touched my heart, and my smile has returned . . . I couln't have done it without you!
    Definitely be sure to take your measurements! A little over a year ago I started watching what I ate and working out in a gym. I TOTALLY changed what I was eating as well as portion sizes. In a few months I had only lost 7 lbs. However, I lost 2 inches from my waist, 3.5 inches from my hips!! I was making changes that I didn't even realize because I was too focused on the scale.
    It WILL happen, just be patient and all your hard work will be worthwhile!!
    I weigh myself every day, but I only log it on Mondays. It is different every single day. Some days up and some days down. Keep up the good work, and good luck to you!!
  • Tracey has it right. Muscle is a denser tissue than fat, so one can be "shrinking" despite experiencing a plateau on weight loss- or even seeing a minor weight gain!

    The first thing that I would advise doing when the scale isn't creeping down the way you expect it to is to break out that tape measure. Also, take note of how your clothing is fitting. Not all the changes that are going on in your body can be measured on the scale.

    Above all, keep positive. You can do this.
  • Thirsty41
    Thirsty41 Posts: 3 Member
    I do the same thing Bmorrow. I don't want to blow it on the weekends so I weigh in on Mondays. I used to weigh myself every day. Stick with it and enjoy the changes that will come!

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