Question for the ladies...

Hi ladies! Just wondering what your current size is, what's your goal size and what is your "fantasy" size?

Here's mine:

Current: 14
Goal size: 6
Fantasy size: 2


  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    I'm currently 14-16 depending on where I'm shopping. I guess I'd like to be half that so around 6 or 8. :)
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Currently a 12, was a 16 when I started and I would like to be a size 5, lol :) We'll see on that one, however; at least a 6 or even an 8 and I'd still be happy.
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    Current: 22/24
    Goal: 16
    Fantasy size: 8 (just to be out of double digits, I really cannot imagine being that small, as I never remember being smaller than a 12)
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am currently a 10 down from a too tight 16.
    My goal is a size 8.
    My dream is a 6.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I'm currently a 14/16 and I would just like to be a size 8 so I can be out of double digit sizes.
  • mrskern06
    mrskern06 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm currently a size 14, down from 16.

    Goal size: 10

    Dream size: 8
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm an 8-10.
    Goal is a solid 6 (sometimes I fit in some brand 6, but i would like to be across the board a 6)
    Would love to be a 4. Don't think I would like to be less than that. Not sure i would even really want to be a 4, but it might be nice to reach it just once in my life... you know, theoretically!
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I am an a too tight 18.

    I would loveee to be a 12.

    If I was an 8 i'd go streaking through the streets i'd be so happy.
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
  • rlmarti4
    rlmarti4 Posts: 17 Member
    Before the diet started I was an 8.
    Currently I am a tight 6 :)
    Goal is 4
    I dont think I want to be a 2, I just want to be able to STAY at a 4. That would be my fantasy! I'm sick of changing sizes every few months.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    Current - 6-8
    Goal - 4
    Fantasy - I don't really get the point of having an unachievable fantasy size lol, that' just a recipe for self-loathing to me. I'll be quite happy if I can get back to 4 and actually stay there.
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    Started back in Oct, I was size 18...... current I am a 12...... goal size would be 7/9! I was in 9 before I had kids!! lol
  • queenkala
    is this UK or US sizing??

    oh well, i did both.

    current size - US 4/6 UK 8/10

    goal size - US 2/4 UK 6/8

    fantasy size US 0/2 UK 4/6
  • Beastiephile
    Hi ladies! Just wondering what your current size is, what's your goal size and what is your "fantasy" size?

    Here's mine:

    Current: 14
    Goal size: 6
    Fantasy size: 2

    Woah, it's the same for me! Current size 14 is the largest I've been. Only a few years ago before I put the weight on I remember being a 6, which is what I'm working hard every day toward. Ideally though, of course I'd love to be a size 2!!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I'm currently a size 18 (loosely)
    Goal size is 10- I'm 5' 8" so when I'm a size 10 or 8 I look healthy and slender.
    Fantasy size: 6- but not *really* since I would look too skinny IMO at that size. I would be able to fit in my one favorite pair of jeans that I have from my early 20's /sigh. But I don't even think I'd look good at that size.
    Size 8 is perfect for my tastes (and my husband for that matter lol).
  • sunshine7966
    Started at a size 10, currently at a size 6, and my fantasy is a size 2, but I'd be happy at a 4 and I'm not really unhappy about my 6's because I just got them :)
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Current size- 12 (started out as a 22/24!)
    Goal Size- 8
    Dream Size- 6

    I'm too busty and hippy to be anything smaller than that, I think.
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Current: 20
    Goal: 14
    Fantasy: 8
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm probably an 18-20 in the waist, because of this lovely excess skin. The rest of my jean size is more like a 14-16.

    My goal is an 11-12. That's my dream size--I cant get much lower without looking stickly.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Dream 6
    fantasy-4...but a healthy four