I need your ideas for after dinner snacks

chimebird Posts: 57 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I'm on a 1550 calorie diet and in the middle of Chris Freytag's 10 Pound Slimdown. Now that I've managed to more or less eliminate junk food, I've been feeling full on around 1300 calories even with a 20-40 minute workout. It's really important to me that I get enough to eat and not be significantly under my daily allotment too often.

So, on days like today when I've finished dinner and only eaten 1300 calories, what do you recommend I eat? I do like to have something sweet after dinner but I'd like it to be a bit more nutritious than a Skinny Cow bar.

Here's what I usually go for, if you're looking for ideas too:
apple with almond butter
pear with cheddar
ricotta with cocoa powder


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i like fat free yogurt
  • I've found low fat yoghurt with some fruit is nice,
    Or lite ice cream if you have a fair few calories left over.
  • I personally like rice cakes with peanut butter But only Quaker Oats brand they have many flavors. Also LOVE frozen grapes
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    If i have enough cals left over I have a glass of low fat chocolate milk and one small cookie/biscuit.
    It just makes me stick with this longer because i don't feel deprived and it stops my cravings :) Of course the cookie isn't nutritionally blessed, the chocolate milk on the other hand will give you calcium, and there have been a lot of studies with this helping with weight loss.
  • if you like it the two things i love as snacks after dinner are cottage cheese and fruit (typically pineapple or nectarine/peach) ......or any kind of instant oatmeal....both are filling and really yummy!
  • I use Weight Watchers jelly or I thaw a cup of blueberries and mix them with vanilla yoghurt.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    Almond milk is one of my faves. I also save my second Adora Dark Chocolate Calcium Supplement for "dessert" ... they're 30 cal each, but so worth it! :happy:
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    I have been having almond milk warm 90 calories for 16 oz.
  • I like Jello snack size pudding Dulce de Leche...only 60 calories and yummy. Cool whip mixed w/pudding is also low cal and filling and good.
  • larsonp
    larsonp Posts: 55 Member
    I like to pop popcorn, provided it's not "movie popcorn" or "buttery".
    Air popped with a little melted butter and salt is delicious, and not a ton of calories.
    The popcorn itself is good for you, too. (Salt and butter, not as much...)
  • Low fat hot chocolate or some sort of sweet cereal is also a favorite.
  • Fage 0% Greek yogurt plain, paired with any of your favorite fruit, granola, honey etc. Half a cup is around 90 calories, plus whatever you add into it. I really like Bear Naked Fit Vanilla Almond Crunch Granola ... 4g sugar per serving and 120 calories makes the combo just over 200 calories with lots of whole grains and protein and not too much sugar.

    It's sweet and creamy - plus really filling.
  • Try A Vitamuffin, they have great taste and only 100 calories. My wife loves them as well. They are full of fiber and vitamins.
    TIFnFIT Posts: 46 Member
    I go for the 100 cal popcorn bags. If you want some sweets with it, you can put a small handful of semi-sweet chocolates in the warm bag and shake. I got this snack idea off of this site and LOVE it. It's only about 170 cals, probably not that nutritious though :ohwell:
  • Where can I find this almond milk? I havent seen it in regular grocery stores? Is it good?
  • Dark Chocolate!! 65-75% I find this percentage the best because I only need to eat one or two squares and I am satisfied.
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    My favorite things for that are 1 oz of cheddar cheese or a tablespoon of peanut butter. Mmmmm!
  • If it isn't with the normal milks then it is in the organic aisle. You can buy the milk from either the refrigerator or right off the shelf. My favorite is the Silk Almond variety. Super yummy.
    Where can I find this almond milk? I havent seen it in regular grocery stores? Is it good?
  • Popcorn is always good -- if you want it sweet, sprinkle some sugar on there or drizzle with honey, maybe?
    Dark chocolate is another good one, and not that bad for you
    Fruit dipped in a honey-yoghurt dip
    A bowl of cereal or oatmeal; you can customize sweetness and they can be very filling
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    Up your calories by taking a quick boost of a protein shake after your workouts. I am on GNC AMP Whenybolic Extreme. I take one scoop after a workout with milk and then eat about 45 minutes later. It tastes awesome (like choco milk) and is a great shot of protein for muscle recovery. Hope this helps.
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