Incorporating 3 meals a day under 1200 calories

I'm having problems trying to eat three meals a day that total 1200 calories a day. I've only been eating 2 meals a day that totals 1200 calories a day. Every morning I drink Dr. Oz smoothies, I don't eat lunch but I eat a sensible dinner. I've lost a total of 30 pounds so far, but I want to lose another 20 pounds for me to be totally happy with myself. Any sugguestions?


  • pocketsam
    You are very welcome to have a look through my food diary.
    I workout a fair bit too so that always adds calories. I tend to have my 3 meals in 1200 then have a cup of hot choc and biscuit to eat up some exercise cals. If you like anything there I am happy to send you recipes :)
    Sam x
  • dawny17
    dawny17 Posts: 77 Member
    take a look at my diary too if you wish...I'm on a 1400 calorie intake but many days I am under and hovering around 1200 (give or take a few). 18 days out of 32 I've been under or pretty close....and check out my post about breakfast's an amazing breakfast for under 100 calories!
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    You can look at my diary too, it is public. I have a lot of 1200 cal days and always eat 3 meals plus usually snacks.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Exercise is a great way to get some extra calories - I wouldn't be able to stick to 1200 otherwise! But eating only one proper meal a day isn't a good way to go on, you can easily eat 3 meals at under 400 calories each which should fill you up all day, eg:

    Breakfast: wholemeal toast/porridge/low fat (no added sugar) yoghurt with berries

    Lunch: Big green salad with chicken/tuna/roast vegetables, or even a homemade sandwich on wholemeal bread

    Dinner: Stir-fry with lean meat and veggies/Fish with potatoes and salad/chilli with rice etc

    If you don't eat throughout the day you won't keep your metabolism up and it will be harder to lose weight.
  • KCTC9896
    Thanks everyone, I will have to take a look at your profiles when I have a little extra time. :)