Have you done Zumba??

Has anyone done Zumba or currently doing it? I'm curious to get some feedback.


  • 05jill
    05jill Posts: 4 Member
    I have gone to Zumba a few times. I absolutely love it because it is a change from everyday workouts. I do alot of running, and it's fun to do some dancing/aerobics. You should definitely try it!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    It's fun, even if you're super uber clumsy like me & can't do the moves. Just run around & jump a lot. You'll get your burn fo' sho!
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I am a huge Zumba fan. Its amazing and very addicting. It works out your whole body, and you have a blast doing it. I would highly recomend you give it a try! :bigsmile:
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    Zumba should come with a happy warning label: Be ware...you will become addicted!! I am a zumbaholic. I have the dvd's and have been taking classes off and on for two years. Its fun and you burn loads of calories...depending on the intensity anywhere from 400-800 per hour!
  • mari0605
    mari0605 Posts: 65 Member
    I go to Zumba class at least twice a week and would go more if I was able. I love it. Last Saturday I attended a Zumbathon...2 hours straight; it was lot's of fun. If you like to dance or would like to learn to dance then Zumba is for you. Beats my boring elliptical any day.
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    Another zumba fanatic here :happy: LOVE it! And it is definitely addictive imo
  • mpj485
    mpj485 Posts: 15
    Love Zumba!! It is the most fun you can possibly have during a workout!! Great workout and you'll burn at least 400 calories doing it!!:smile:
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    Love Zumba :love: ..! its awesome...I love dancing, danced all my life but lately my husband and i havent had much opportunity to go out dancing so i recently bought the Zumba fitness for the wii and i love it...i get to workout at home with my kids and sometimes I use the sauna suit while i dance to help with the water weight... however, i dont really know how to log it here on MFP since its not on the list...would like to know how everyone else logs it in... :happy: