stacyh333 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I am thinking of trying HCG but don't know much about it. Can anyone offer advice on using it and most importantly where can I get it. Can you tell me your experience with it, if you're losing weight and what else are you using with it..like B12, vitamins, etc. Thanks!!


  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    Pretty much the diet while using HCG is 500 calories a day. I don't believe that is a healthy way to lose weight. I would research it before trying it. When I looked into it I felt that it was not a good option for a permanent lifestyle change that would lead to a lifetime of healthy eating.
  • Hello,
    The HCG is not a good idea to put your body through. You can't stay on it long term and when you get off of it, you more than likely will gain the weight back. You are literally starving yourself on the diet. You definately can't exercise and therfore, you won't be tone. I wouldn't waste your time doing research on it or even give it any more thought. Ask your dr and see what he/she says. They will tell you the dangers of it. The only way to lose weight is by diet and exercise, plain and simple. I hope I wasn't too harsh on you, but I have seen the negative effects of the HCG with friends. Good luck in your decision making!
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I would give MFP an honest try first. I did last February and am here 112 lbs lighter. I didn't starve myself- I changed my life. I worked hard and fed my body the fuel it needed. I am learning the skills I need to live healthier. I would try counting calories and exercise for 1 month before you even consider it. Measure your food and be honest with yourself on what you are eating. Add in the exercise and I can almost bet you won't think about HCG again! :) You can do it!!
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