
I had a lot going on today and didn't make it to the gym again today! Thats 2 days in a row!! Plus the night before that I only did half my work out! I'm SOOOO mad at myself! This is not going to be a good week! Friday is weigh in and I'm sure I havent lost anything maybe even gained!!I have watched my calories/food tho. I normally get on the scale every morning but not this week. I'm too afriad seeing as I've missed so many work outs. URGH! I can't do this. I have to get back on track or I won't meet my goal!!!!

2moro is a NEW day and I will go to the gym if its last thing I do... I have to get back on track! I've been a my staycation this week and it has thrown me off my routine!!! I have a goal and have to stick to it..... JUNE is FAST approaching and I have a goal that will take a lot of determination and this is not the way to do it!

I hate to ask for help or anything BUT i'm asking for some support and motivation this week!! I need some prayers that I still am on track and that I don't back slide. Also in another 2 weeks I get my other vacation/staycation and need to stick to my rutine!!!



  • bikeflea
    bikeflea Posts: 2 Member
    We all have those days!! Don't worry, don't be afraid... Just get back in the game. :) Sometimes bodies like little breaks. Who knows, maybe you'll be happy when you get on the scale. sometimes we can be too focused on that little machine! Eat healthy, be active, be happy! Good Luck!
  • BecciL
    BecciL Posts: 49
    Gosh girl dont get yourself in a funk ! Its only 2 days, just be careful what you eat and DONT stress, take one day at a time and just breath ! BE the change you want to be !!
    You can do it !!
    Keep on truckin ! <3
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    trust me we all go thru those weeks! there are weeks where ill miss 2 days in a row also. Main thing is to just get back to it as soon as possible and dont get too down on yourself. we cant be perfect 100% of the time, ya know? Days you dont workout, just make sure you really stay in your daily calorie allowence and you should still be okay and will still lose weight even if you dont get in your workout, just cant eat quite as much :/ but if you still eat right, it should throw your weight loss off. just keep positive and give yourself a break wout beating yourself up. you will get right back in the game and go harder than ever :) you can do it! GOOD LUCK HUN
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    it "shouldnt" throw your weight loss off, i meant!
  • blueyed_girl
    Thanks!! I needed that. I know we all have down days and me being off my routine(vacation) is why I have been off. I've been doing so well. I am focused and determined to show my skinny self off and hopefully get into a cute bathing suit. I/m tired of the same one for 11 yrs now! :( Well Iwent to the gym today and had a great workout!! Tomorrow morning is weigh in and I'm a lil scared but I know I will keep on and work hardere this next week.

  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    If you want motivation google "A Deliberate Life".
    It's a blog by a woman named Chris.

    Go back to the beginning if you have to and see where she started from.

    She told me a long time ago that one of her secrets was counting calories but I just didn't want to.
    I wish I had listened to her back then because I'd be where she is now.

    She didn't make ANY excuses.