
Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
edited September 23 in Success Stories
Hi everyone. My face is definitely thinner than it was before!! That's good, I thought. Someone told me today that I look like I'm about 35 years old since my face has slimmed down. That's no denying that 35 is NOT old and there are many gorgeous women 35, 40, 50 years old and beyond... But the person telling me this I think was trying to insult me like"sure, you're thinner but you look worse"... Do you ever get this kind of response from people about your weight loss? And, looking at my picture how old do I look? Do I look bad?


  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    There are a lot of insecure people out there who will try to sabotage your success. DON'T listen. It is NOT about you, it's about them. Who knows what their issue is but don't let it become your issue.

    You look fantastic. Have confidence in yourself and keep moving toward your goals.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I think you look younger than 21! People just don't know how to accept change. People are just used to seeing you how you were and think any bit of change is negative. Keep pushing forward! They are probably just sad that they are getting older and don't have your youthful looks!
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    Some people will do and say whatever comes to mind in order to diminish another's success. Don't sweat the small stuff! You look fantastic - keep it up!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    You most definitely do not look 35. Is it possible that the person that said that is jealous of you success?
  • You look like you're 18!!!!! I'm sorry somebody was so rude to you, if it's somebody that's close to you, they may be jealous that you're losing weight because you are very beautiful.
  • pft, that person is jealous of you. no doubt about it. You're doing a fantastic job, so don't worry what that idiot had to say.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Was this one of your *cough cough* "well-meaning friends"?? I just wrote something recently about one of my "well-meaning" friends who weighs 140 and her reaction when I said I wanted to be 110 - 115. She told me I would look "best" at 150. Notice it is 10 lbs HEAVIER than she is currently.

    Notice that these "well meaning friends" are our friends but they are jealous, really really jealous. Girls are just JEALOUS creatures. You do NOT look 35, trust me on this. You look really YOUNG, you have a beautiful face from your icon pic and your "well meaning friend" is just.....incredibly envious and jealous. Your WMF probably wants to lose a pound or two herself but doesn't want to go through the hard stuff of actually doing it. Even the skinniest of our WMF's want to lose weight, right girls? All girls no matter how thin want to lose weight and therefore their JEALOUSY comes into play.

    Pay no attention and keep on your good work!
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    No way do you look 35! (Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'll be 35 in a couple of weeks, ahem) but you look very young and very beautiful. Some people are so insecure, you look healthy and you look great, so don't listen to any of that negative stuff.

  • NO !! Not at all I will be the first to say I have seen some who do look "older" when they lose weight and actually scared me BUT if you are healthy who cares !!! BY NO means do you look 35 You are gorgeous !!!
  • Let me clarify"scare me " about me losing weight ..not actual AGHHHH Scary looking !!! LOL :)
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    You look absolutely beautiful! If I saw you on the street, I would guess you were around 20. You look beautiful and youthful! Some people look older when they lose weight because they're losing that chubby "baby fat" that makes them look younger. Your face looks great and very slim. You have a beautiful chin, jawline, and great cheekbones. You might look older than you did before when you still had a little baby fat, but no WAY you look 35! Someone is jealous of your awesomeness, it sounds like :) Keep at it lovely lady, we are all here for you! Ignore the haters!
  • does happen, to a lot of us! People who have seen me at my heaviest of course now see me as 'skinny' but I am barely hanging on to the highest end of a health BMI. I get "you look skinny!" a lot...what does that mean?? Is that a compliment? And..."well how much more do you want to lose?" with a wrinkled nose. I try and just ignore it...but I do work in a call center with over 400 women...and have been here forever so most have seen me on this journey..both the gains and the losses. Family, friends, co workers, they all do it. You are doing great, and look like a young twenty something to me!!!
  • I don't think you look 35 at all! more like early 20s, and your skin looks great! People are always gonna try and put you down, I have a "friend" that makes a comment about how someone she knows has lost xlbs in the last month after I told her I'd lost 7lbs in a month and she says it in a really snide way, but you know something, forget them. Who cares what other people say? At the end of the day you're losing weight for your health and to feel better about yourself, and others are just jealous that you are managing to reach your goals while they don't.
    Chin up hun, and keep on smiling because you're doing great!
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    I don't think you look 35. You look very young. Some people are so jealous. Don't let them get you down. You look fabulous.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    Apparently who ever told you that was jealous because you look young and you are a very pretty girl!
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