I need protein shake experts :)

sjkiestler Posts: 9
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I am coming in under alot for my daily calories. I need a way to add some calories, but it not be so filling. I am don't ever feel like i can eat 1200 calories because im full, and not hungry. But i understand i need to. I've been reading stuff about protein shakes. The two main thing i see are whey and casin?? I'm very confused. I could use your input!


  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Check out Jay Robb................
  • I am far from an expert on protein. But I may be able to lend a small token of insight on the matter. If I recall correctly. The main difference between whey and casein protein the rate of absorption. Casein is a long lasting protein so would take that type of protein before bed. However, whey is rapid release so you take that immediately post-workout. Like I mentioned in the beginning I am no expert. But I hope this response helped a little.
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    Whey absorbs into your muscles quickly at a rapid pace. Casein protein absorbs at a much slower rate, you would take that at night so your muscles could feed off of it while you are sleeping. Whey is more for pre/post/or during workout protein. Ultimately it comes down to what works best for you. I would not reccomend mixing them together though.. ever.

    Hope this helps somewhat :)
  • Thank you so much for the feedback. One more question, which one would be the best to help me loose weight?
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    No problem! Casein definitely wins in the weight loss catagory. It preserves your muscle tissue whenever you go long periods without food and keeps your metabolism moving since it breaks down slowly.
  • So if im not eating all of my 1200 calories, like barely eating 1000, casin is the best? because it keeps my metabolism going instead of going into like "starvation" mode and storing fat?
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    exactly, it'll keep it moving a good bit during the day when you're not eating and it also preserves your muscle tissue and fibers so that your body wont break down the muscle you have, which goes to one of its next options being fat. Your body tends to break down muscle first when it's trying to go into starvation mode. It dosent know how long it will be until you will eat again so your body will store fat instead of burning it, which is why its recommend that we eat 6 small meals a day, but if 1200 is hard to get down then casein is definitely the way to go :)
  • Good advice from georgiafan.

    I use whey and find it not very filling, it is also easy to mix with just water. If you want an extra ~65 calories you can mix with 125ml semi skimmed milk.

    Another option to consider is a Instant Oats shake, it can help add low GI carbs. I've foudn it disgusting with water but nice with semi-skimmed milk.

    One thing to note is not to have too many protein shakes per day, they say 1-2. It should be a supplement to other good / whole foods, can't just live off 'um unfortunately :)
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