losing motivation fast

KayteePanda Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Plain & simply, my motivation is quickly deteriorating. I can't think of any particular reason why I'm losing all my enthusiasm, but I've been beyond tired lately; working 14 hour days between 2 jobs, constantly on my feet for both of them. Obviously a toll has been taken. And on another note, over the last few days, I've been craving all the unhealthy foods that I've successfully avoided since I started using this site. I'm just getting worn out, already, unfortunately. I think I need a push. :/


  • Just think of how good it will feel when you are finally at your goal weight! I added you as a friend! :)
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    being on your feet can be tiring but you must be burning calories during the work day. Do you have a HRM that keeps track of calories burned? Maybe change your diet up a bit. Change what you eat for breakfast. Try not to get into a "food" routine bc it's easy to get sick of it. And if you want to have an unhealthy snack, have it but in moderation. Hang in there. When you see your work paying off on the scale, you'll be back 100%. Don't give up. You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    At the end of it all, there is a intrinsic reward that is SO worth it. You CAN do this! Push on, even if for a day or week it is just going through the motions, because once you see the results you will have motivation to keep on keeping on! YOU are worth it, and the fact that you posted shows that you know it. You can always get the support you need here!

    A thought: have you set yourself any mini-goals? Have you chosen a reward for yourself when you meet those? If you haven't already, do that and it will give you something tangible sooner than at the end. I personally have a CD that has my name on it when I reach my first 20 pounds off!
  • Thanks for the support, guys. Tomorrow's my weigh in, so hopefully I'll feel like getting back into the swing of things after that !
  • Consider yourself in the eye of the storm because it's exactly where you are. We always look for that BIG HUGE AMAZING BOOM that gets our adrenaline going and love the bells and whistles......but when it falls into routine and the excitement or the hype of it has subsided then what? Kinda like a funeral (sorry for such a grim example but it's what my spirit is leading me to say), the hype of friends and family coming around for comfort gets us through the tough moments but for a time, when everyone has gone home and life has to go on that's when the real work happens.....which is what is happening now and you can't give up because you are tired. Don't give yourself that option. You are worth far more than complacency and I think you know it which is why you are sharing here. You don't want to give up and you don't want to fail. You can do this you just have to fight through the boredom, the temptation, the desire to binge and just say the hell with it. I'm exhausted, i'm running out of gas, and dagonit i'm sick of this denying myself. It's a test mami. And without it you wouldn't have a testimony and there is someone in your world that doesn't know it but they NEED your testimony so don't give up! IF ANYTHING MAKE THIS THE TIME TO GO HARD......like when you are in a good burning workout and about half an hour into it you start to burn real good but you get that panic or great pain and want to stop and just when you think you are out of gas, you find this strength out of nowhere and then the chemicals in the brain began to make it feel so euphoric you almost feel high! FIND THAT PLACE IN YOU AND KEEP FIGHTING. YOU CAN DO THIS! HUGS!
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    You need to make sure you are packing your food and snacks for however long your going to be away from home. When you are tired you will make poor food choices and if you don't make exercise a part of your day the same way you get up in the morning you know to shower you have to do the same with exercise you just can't say I'm going to do it treat it like a job, You know you have to go bc you need money well you need to exercise for many different reasons.your heart, health, that bikini et. Without proper fuel the rest of your life does become unbalance. I know I been there.
  • Rae12
    Rae12 Posts: 15 Member
    Consider yourself in the eye of the storm because it's exactly where you are. We always look for that BIG HUGE AMAZING BOOM that gets our adrenaline going and love the bells and whistles......but when it falls into routine and the excitement or the hype of it has subsided then what? Kinda like a funeral (sorry for such a grim example but it's what my spirit is leading me to say), the hype of friends and family coming around for comfort gets us through the tough moments but for a time, when everyone has gone home and life has to go on that's when the real work happens.....which is what is happening now and you can't give up because you are tired. Don't give yourself that option. You are worth far more than complacency and I think you know it which is why you are sharing here. You don't want to give up and you don't want to fail. You can do this you just have to fight through the boredom, the temptation, the desire to binge and just say the hell with it. I'm exhausted, i'm running out of gas, and dagonit i'm sick of this denying myself. It's a test mami. And without it you wouldn't have a testimony and there is someone in your world that doesn't know it but they NEED your testimony so don't give up! IF ANYTHING MAKE THIS THE TIME TO GO HARD......like when you are in a good burning workout and about half an hour into it you start to burn real good but you get that panic or great pain and want to stop and just when you think you are out of gas, you find this strength out of nowhere and then the chemicals in the brain began to make it feel so euphoric you almost feel high! FIND THAT PLACE IN YOU AND KEEP FIGHTING. YOU CAN DO THIS! HUGS!

    nice to read a post with so much love! and it's all the truth :happy: i needed to hear that and didn't know it! Thank you, thank you!!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I know how that feels like :( I work in retail, on my feet all the time and there are days when I wonder why I even try to lose weight. It's so much easier to just not go to the gym or track my calories.

    But I like a challenge. And this is a challenge that'll keep going for the rest of your life. Either be complacent with your health or do something about it. It gets boring once you're in a routine but your body will love you for it. Find an activity that'll make you happy (a sport like swimming or tennis) so that it doesn't feel like a chore.

    Good luck and don't give up. You're stronger than you know :)
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    The fact that you reached out for help tells me you don't want to quit. If you did you would just do it and not tell anyone. We're here for you!
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    i was there, at about week 4 i was ready to stop and give in, but i pushed on, why b/c i knew this was possible, i had lost 20 lbs of baby weight 3 years ago, i knew i could do it again and SO CAN YOU!!!! you can do it, push past this hump, maybe try a different workout routine, maybe try some different foods or ways of eating. switching it up keeps it fun and exciting. losing weight is hard work, but if you put in the effort you will get results!!!!
  • KatieJoDunlap
    KatieJoDunlap Posts: 20 Member
    I am not an expert! Them hours plain stink girl!! I learned a few things in school. Stress or stress mode on your body (I would be stressed working like that! As a matter of fact I have done it! can change chemicals in your brain and body that can make you gain weight and crave carbish foods. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Also what foods you do eat need to have vitamins and protien to keep your body going during long hours. That will help curve hunger and your body will not crave bad foods. This will also help with the energy levels you have! GOOD LUCK. Dont give up think of the end result and your next day off!
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    Love the" eye of storm " comment.So true! Givng up and self sabatoge gains us nothing but weight. I also have caved when the new wore off or when my life got more overwhelming and fell right back into old habits. All that behavior has got me is more pounds that weigh me down. The true test of who we are is how we cope in the hard times, its is easier to be good when things are going our way. You can do this! You have my thoughts and prayers.Tommorow is a new day and a new chance to get a step closer to your goals :wink:
  • understand how you feel...I have been going through a little slump lately..... I found this blog challenge that kinda cheered me up this morning an remotivated me... here's the link:


    I like the challenge goals because they are all positive goals...like adding fruts and veggies, getting more exercise..rather than..."don't eat treats"..... i think a little positive mind set can help us get over our blah moments.... you have to understand that when you work that hard (such long hours) it really takes a toll on you .... give yourself a little benefit of thedoubt and plug along.... good luck to you!
  • You can do it! I myself have been over weight for years. I ate junk food every thing. What made me stick with the life style change is I WANTED it. You need to find your "want power'. yes in the past I went on an off diets and exercised becasue I felt I should but really had no desire. But when i started seeing results I wanted it.
    This is the best shape I've been in since I was 17. I like working out at home to a DVD. That's what works for me. If your more social try a class or go to the gym. If you want to mix it up do out side sports.
    There's times I told myself "no one is hand feeding me". I have the power to control what I put in my mouth. Calories in, calories burned and any excess my body will store as fat.
    Just keep it simple and when it comes down to it. You desereve this.
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