in an eating mood

im really in an eating mood. ive gone over my cals by 38cals already! really thinking sod it pig out and start again tmoro!!!????


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Don't do it. But don't starve yourself either. Try to just eat a normally balanced rest of the day.
  • anorton45
    Just do some intense cardio, like dance around your living room for an hour. You'll burn those extra calories plus some in no time.
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    Do something to work off some calories. Go for a walk - clean house - Jumping Jacks - ANYTHING to get your mind off food!! Drink WATER!! Brush your teeth!

    FIGHT IT - and start right NOW - This VERY second! To get back on track!!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    omg!! i was like that yesterday!!! i tried distracting myself anyway i could. what i did was i tried a lil bit of everything i wanted. just a lil. it helped me get it out of the way, so today i feel so much better and in control!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Think of it this way, if you were falling down a flight of stairs and stopped half way down, would you say "sod it" and throw yourself down the rest of the flight?? Dont stop eating for the day, but try to make good decisions to get back on track!!:wink:
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    I'm chewing gum wight now to try to help mine. :(
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    a mere 38 calories over is not a lost day!!! go run around
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Think of it this way, if you were falling down a flight of stairs and stopped half way down, would you say "sod it" and throw yourself down the rest of the flight?? Dont stop eating for the day, but try to make good decisions to get back on track!!:wink:

    Love this analogy!!
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    don't give up! start fresh right now! and workout!
  • littlelol
    thanks every1, im guna go have a power nap then go the gym and burn sum cals then have a nice healthy tea. thanku for ur great support xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • hyoung3
    hyoung3 Posts: 85 Member
    We all have days like that, so don't feel bad about it.

    It could be your body telling you it's missing something (besides ice

    Whenever I get that urge, I try to reach for something filling, but not too damaging.

    I like to munch on dill pickles (only 5 cals.), or even a few slices of lean turkey breast.

    Having a bottle of water can help fill you, too.
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    Think of it this way, if you were falling down a flight of stairs and stopped half way down, would you say "sod it" and throw yourself down the rest of the flight?? Dont stop eating for the day, but try to make good decisions to get back on track!!:wink:

    PERFECTLY said. Love that.
  • KerryWelly
    me too.....feeling a pig out day coming on, I've snaffled 2 bags of walkers already and 2 chocolate coins....I haven't actually eaten anything really substantial yet, which probably doesn't help and also I'm waiting for an important telephone call so could be nervous eating......
  • tokays72
    It sounds like your eating mood is your body saying "I'm not getting enough nutrients!". Most cravings occur when our body is lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. The brain will trigger a hormonal response that induces a desire to eat. There are dangerous diet pill's on the market designed to trick your brain and keep it from sending out those signals. Sounds great right? Well I did mention that they are dangerous. Your health is important but dying or rather not dying is more important. Low calorie diets are dangerous not because they are low calorie but because they are nutritionally incomplete. I eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. I typically eat 1 apple and 1 banana every day as a snack. You can take a multivitamin. The only problem I have with them is that the nutrients are generally synthesized and the really good ones are very expensive. I personally drink Shakeology. I also take P90X's recovery drink after a workout. The real key to loosing fat is to exercise and eat wholesome food. If your interested in learning more about Shakeology you are welcome to contact me. Being nutritionally deficient leads to a whole range of ailments besides cravings. It may sound gross to some but one of the easiest ways to get your carbs and protein is to take a can of tuna and mix it with 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese. I eat this on a sugar free piece of whole wheat toast. It helps to kill the cravings. But is not nutritionally complete. For complete nutrition I drink Shakeology and make healthy choices the rest of the day. I have lost 11 pounds so far and have not had one single craving.