Natural Peanut butter

Sometimes I like to have peanut butter on top of low cal bread in the morning for breakfast. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a good natural peanut butter that I could use instead of my Jiff sugary one. I know it is full of sugar and that is why it taste so darn good and I hate to give it up but I know there has to be something better out there.


  • Hammock
    I live in Canada and we have a "Kraft peanut butter with 25% less fat" here. It is on the list of foods if you type it in. I usually use it. Actually, I like it better than the regular as it has less sugar, too, and less salt i think...
  • ASBO2Amber
    In the UK we have a brand called Whole Earth which also comes as an organic variety. This much better for you as it contains a lot less oil and actually tastes like peanuts.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    If you have access to a health food store ,most of the time you can make your own fresh raw peanut butter and almond butter.. It's fun to make it. It is a lil more expensive but when your not over eating and no one else is using it it will last at least a month. Almond butter is delicious! Or most of the time there is an all natural choice at the supermarket. Just make sure to read the labels. It should only say Peanuts or Peanuts and salt in the ingredients if you want the real stuff. I couldn't get over to my natural store the other day so I just bought Maple Grove Farms natural, no salt added, peanut butter. Once you stir it up and put it in the fridge the natural oil separation went away. I also think Maranatha is a good brand and there are these super convenient packets made, called Justin's Nutbutter and they are single serve premeasured packets that also come flavored and they are delish! They do contain organic palm oil ( don't really know if that is a good or bad thing) I will need to do more research.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I love Whole Earth Organic peanut butter, it took a little getting used to at first because usually peanut butter has so much sugar and salt in, but now I prefer it to the less healthy ones!
  • basmati21
    basmati21 Posts: 5 Member
    There are 2 brands that I can find at my local grocery store. They have almost identical nutritional info and no added sugar. Teddie and Nature's Place (a Hannaford brand). It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you are used to it, you'll never want to go back :)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    If you have a Trader Joe's near you they have a good creamy natural peanut butter. Crazy Richards is a brand I like that I can find in my grocery store. I really like Smucker's Natural but it does have salt in it. Just read lables and make sure the only ingredient is peanuts(or salt too if you are ok with that). Some farmers markets will have natural nut butters too. I used to eat Jif and Skippy, after switching to natural they taste weird to me and not as good.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Naturally More with flax

    You can find it at any food store, you don't need to buy it on Amazon. :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Jif makes a natural peanut butter. I used to buy it a lot. Not sure why I don't anymore. With most natural peanut butters, you're going to have to mix it when you first buy it, and then keep it in the fridge to keep it from separating, just so you're aware. It's normal to see the oil sitting on top when you first purchase it. I always transferred it to a big mixing bowl to stir it so it didnt' slop out of the jar.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    To be honest, there are some wonderful brands out there! I personally love the raw kind that looks red because the even grind the skins in.


    Just like I wouldn't put Jif in my mouth if it were the last PB in the might not like the really healthy versions at first so I would recommend that you transition slowly.

    First try something like the Smart Balance. It has salt and molasses in it. It is not the best peanut butter out there but a good transition one. After one small jar of that move to one that has salt but no sugar in it. After that you will be ready for the plunge!:laugh:

  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    I like "Arrowhead Mills - Organic Creamy Valencia Peanut Butter" It's got nothing but peanuts inside (It may have salt, but I can't recall). I'm sure an truly natural peanut butter will be good though. Make sure the ingredients include nothing but peanuts (and salt if you want). Any other ingredients would likely go to preventing the separation that naturally occurs - but if you stir the natural PB thoroughly when you first open it and keep it in the fridge separation shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    I find that I can get a big jar of the Arrowhead Mills in the health food stores that I can't get elsewhere, making it a little more cost efficient.

    I really don't enjoy any of the the fake peanut butters out there anymore.
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Anyone who lives close to a Harris Teeter grocery store -- I adore their store brand organic peanut butter. I am seriously addicted to it and won't eat anything else. Give it a try!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I really like Smuckers All Natural Reduced Fat....less sugar. The only thing is, you have to stir it every time you use it because the oils separate. *ugh* lol. And if you dont stir it well, the last bit on the bottom of the jar is really dry/crumbly. But the taste is really good. I enjoy it.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    LOL, all I had to do was a sniff test comparing natural peanut butter to popular brands with all the added sugar, hydrogenated oils and preservatives. I took a big sniff of the Natural PB....mmmmm, smells like fresh peanuts!!

    Took a sniff of the "other".......Blehhh! Totally gross.....smells like peanut butter that's been sitting in a mildew filled cellar! :sick:

    You can really tell the difference. It sure was a surprise for me!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Smuckers Organic Natural Peanut Butter. Either creamy or chunky. Ingredients are pretty simple....peanuts, salt, and maybe peanut oil?

    Jiffy has an all natural version as well that I think is decent as well. Very similar ingredients to what I mentioned above. In either case, they don't have PHVO or HFCS.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I really like Smuckers All Natural Reduced Fat....less sugar. The only thing is, you have to stir it every time you use it because the oils separate. *ugh* lol. And if you dont stir it well, the last bit on the bottom of the jar is really dry/crumbly. But the taste is really good. I enjoy it.

    Keep it in the fridge and it wont' separate. Says so right on the jar. :) And unlike sugary peanut butters, it won't be hard to spread if it's kept cold. It'll still be nice and smooth.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    DO NOT EAT REDUCED / LOW FAT peanut butter. peanut butter, is floaded with good fats (even tho high in calories). When they call it reduced fat they strip out majority of the good fats and replace it with maltodextrin, a carbohydrate used as a filler in many processed foods. Smucker's natural is a good one. Skippy and Jif are fine too. There are a few no stir organics i have tried.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I like Cadia or Maranatha no stir creamy peanut butter. I think the Cadia is a little less expensive, but Maranatha can be found at a regular grocery store.
  • mapnerd2005
    I like Justin's Natural Honey Peanut Butter (also available in Maple Almond Butter). It comes in jars or individual packets. I buy the packets since I only eat peanut butter every now and then and it's easier for me to kneed the packet than to try to stir a refridgerated jar of separated natural peanut butter (plus I don't like cold peanut butter). Bonus: it's pre-portioned so I don't have to measure it and it's really easy to squeeze it a little bit at a time onto a sliced apple.
  • mds2372
    I just started using the Smuckers All Natural Crunchy Peanut butter and I really enjoy it. I've grown up on Peterpan Peanut Butter and thought I would never like another, but there is something so much better about the all-natural taste.
  • farris2
    I've been using PB2 from Bell Plantation.It's the powdered PB that you add water to.45 Calories per serving rather than the 190.Its perfect for adding to meal replacement shakes and recipes.It also comes in Chocolate