Getting Married in 4 Months!! HELP!!

jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
So my wedding is in less than 4 months, and my dress in not even close to fitting!! I'm so upset with myself, because after I had my daughter 10 months ago, I came on MFP and lost about 16 pounds in a month. I was so proud of myself, and told myself I'd have no problem losing the rest in time for the wedding. OOPS, it's now 4 months left and I probably need to lose 20 lbs to fit in that dress! My problem is that I run a home daycare and literally have NO time to exercise! I love to exercise, but it's food that's my main problem. It's so hard to eat healthy and eat every few hours when I am looking after kids and picky eaters all day! \

I know I can do this, I just need lots of people to add me and to bug me daily when I am not online, so that when I check my email I will see the support and get my butt back to MFP and on track!!


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    First of all - congratulations! And I love the picture in your ticker - I wore that same uniform for 12 years!

    I'm just re-starting my weight loss, but from all the success I've had in the past, if you follow the guidelines, it will work.

    I know this isn't much by way of motivation, but I'm here for support whenever you need it!
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I'm a child minder too and when my lil babies have their naps after dinner I and the older children put the music on and have a disco I have also had them doing wii fit, you can take them on a nature hunt or even kick a ball about for a bit it all adds up in the end every afternoon the children and I take a walk up the field if its raining we do a rain dance even the babies like getting out in the fresh air. as for the eating I have the same foods as the children just in small quantities or if its something really over then I will cook myself something different I hope this all helps and I will add you x
  • evieparamore
    evieparamore Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there! I'm getting married in May, too. You can totally do this! I try to just keep it in perspective. It's only 3-4 more months of getting in the right healthy-eating mindset and working the exercise in to your busy schedule. I hope that after the wedding you'll love your new body so much that you'll want to stick with the good eating habits and continue to exercise for your health! Good luck!!
  • Congrats on the wedding! My best friend is getting married in May and I'm her maid of honor so I'm on the same road! I work full time, go to school in the evenings, and am a single mom to a toddler so I get not having a ton of time to exercise. I try my best to fit it in when I can but am focusing more on staying within my calorie range and eating healthier first. Right now that is what is more realistic for my life and schedule. I'm not willing to sacrifice any more time away from home/myson. However, a few nights a week when I have the time/energy, I try to pop in a 30 minute workout DVD after he's asleep. You can't change your lifestyle all at once so pick one thing at a time and start there. Maybe you first goal to fit in a healthy breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner for several days. Or it could even be as small as just eating breakfast if you're skipping it. Little things like that will add up! Just add something small/new every few days and before you know it you'll be where you want to be. Just eating healthier options will increase your energy level and you'll be surprised at what you can do!
  • Hey girl YOU CAN do this! Running in place, anything to get you moving. Try the 30 day shred during down or nap time or when you are done for the day. The plyo is awesome. You should always have at least 1 hr a day for "you time" excuses wont help you get there if you want your goal, BE your goal. Everyday. No slip ups, no exceptions and you won't be disappointed. Promise :)
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    had a home day care for 25 years and plan on opening one again. Love kids! Advice: 1) Put on some music or sing and march with the kids. It's fun and great exercise. The ones that are to little to march, will love the action. Take turns carrying the little ones and you'll burn even more calories! I sang "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again" and substituted the kids' names. They never got tired of it! 2) Picky eaters. I let every child pick one thing they didn't like and it never hit their plate. Everything else, they had to try. It can take up to ten times for a child to learn to like something but most of the time they will learn. Also, offer low fat Ranch Dressing for a dip. Most kids will eat anything dipped in Ranch! God's blessings on your job and your marriage!
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
    if you have a smartphone GET THE APP!! it really helps to see all your food/goals/weight etc (and will stop you from putting that 10th chip in your mouth lol)

    i saw how many calories balsamic vinaigrette last night! yikes!!!! right back in the fridge....for my stupid skinny girlfriend :( lol
  • Hope everything works out!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    5 pounds a month is definitely doable. You need to exercise though. Try to get some kind of activity in at least 3 times per week.
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