
harley79 Posts: 79 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone,

A few weeks ago I had lost 12 lbs over a month and a half. I all of a sudden started school to get my bus drivers license. My hours were 9-6 everyday. I have 3 little kids at home and my husband is a big help. But since school my eating has been out of control and I am so disappointed. It seems that when my life gets to busy I lose track of my healthy eating habits and my eating gets out of control. I don't want to gain this weight back but I am at a lost........

Desperate Tammy


  • PLAN! My life is very busy (work full time, school in the evenings, mom to a toddler). Planning is essential to my success. It may take some getting used to but I log everything I'm going to eat the next day AT LEAST one day in advance and make sure everything is packed and ready to go the night before. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. If I won't be home for dinner then I choose a healthy take out option or pack dinner in a seprate lunch box. When I don't plan things can get overwhelming and then it's way easier to make a really poor food choice. You can do it!
  • You need to calm down. If you stress out, you will eat more. I think if you plan what you will eat ahead of time. you will not overeat. Keep healthy snacks with you. When you get really hungry, you can eat some.
  • jittythekitty
    jittythekitty Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in school too - and though I don't have any kids --- I have a very demanding and spoilt to the bone ferret. (Who I can lock up - and in warmer weather take her with me on walks.)

    You just have to keep trying, I know a lot of bus drivers eat on breaks and so on. Instead of going out and getting something (Like a see a lot of them do) Bring some stuff with you, I'm sure if you ask a school you are driving to --- if you are a school bus driver --- they will let you use their microwave.

    As for while your still in school, try working out in the evenings or the mornings. I wake up an hour and half early before school and go out a walk - and do a few at home work outs before school. And pack lots of healthy snacks, like oatmeal bars (Very filling), carrots and stuff you would in your kids lunch like apple sauce. XD
  • I plan my meals each night before I go to bed. Thats every meal plus snacks. I makes sure that I take all my water that I'm supposed to drink in a day. Now my exercise is tricky. I know that I will have 75 minutes of Zumbe on Monday and Wednesday and I just have to do my workout videos when I can find the time. If anything, I just try to walk whenever I can.
    The best thing thing is you can do is just TRY your best. My Zumba instructor told me that I'm not a failure when I can do something. But I'm always a success when I try. So just do your best and you will see the results. Oh yeah, and smile. It burns more calories.
  • MegaMech
    MegaMech Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Tammy,

    Like the others say... planning is probably best. However, I am SOOOO not a planner! Do you have the MFP for your phone? I think you neeed to log what you eat, that is really helping me. I still eat out, I still buy on the fly... but I write it down instantly with calorees and it has really helped slow down my eating.. Every other time I have done this, I lied on my blog because my wife was always checking up on me. I didn't want to explain or make excuses why I ate that candy bar, so I just lied on it. Her phone doesn't support this app so she's not checking up on me and it's sooo much easier to write everything down. turns out I'm enjoying it. So, take a deep breath, realize that YOU are in control, not the food. Set your goals and work toward them and most important.. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP!
  • harley79
    harley79 Posts: 79 Member
    You guys are GREAT!!! I do beat myself up to much and that is probably most of my problem I am going to take everyones advice and do this.

    Thank You for the support! Tammy
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