Thread for IBS Sufferers!

AScheif Posts: 157 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Alright so I know this isn't the most pleasant topic...but I was diagnosed with IBS about 5 years ago and I find it soo hard to lose weight! I don't drink milk and eat very little dairy products because it REALLY gets to me, I have taken fibre pills, etc and nothing seems to help!

I actually notice that my symptoms get worse when I start watching what I eat more carefully, its like I won't go for days, and then all of a sudden....sometimes I even miss work because of it :(

Anyways I thought I would start a thread (I couldn't find one already started) where we can share helpful tips etc on how to lose weight while dealing with this complicated issue.


  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    Not sure of your height, but it seems like you might be having problems losing because you don't need to lose much. Your body wants to hang on to those 10 lbs.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with IBS, but I have definitely had stomach issues ever since getting my gallbladder removed. I am just the way you described. I can go 4 or 5 days without going and then it's all I can do to make it to the bathroom.

    Here lately, it's like I have had a divine intervention and it is all because of my breakfast. Every morning, I pack me a little baggie of 1/2 apple, a handful or two of grapes and another small quantity of some other fruit if I have it. I eat that during class or whatever and an hour later it's like clockwork! I feel so much lighter and I don't have that puffy uncomfortable feeling from going days w/out "going".
  • i have heard that aloe helps ??? dont know from personal experience though.
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with IBS, but I have definitely had stomach issues ever since getting my gallbladder removed. I am just the way you described. I can go 4 or 5 days without going and then it's all I can do to make it to the bathroom.

    Here lately, it's like I have had a divine intervention and it is all because of my breakfast. Every morning, I pack me a little baggie of 1/2 apple, a handful or two of grapes and another small quantity of some other fruit if I have it. I eat that during class or whatever and an hour later it's like clockwork! I feel so much lighter and I don't have that puffy uncomfortable feeling from going days w/out "going".

    I had my gallbladder out to and my Dr. put me on Colestipol. It works quite well. It is a cholesterol med that helps prevent excessive bile salt acid from building up. He said about 60-70% of people with their gallbladders removed have this problem.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    Yeah, its so funny because at first I loved it when i first had it removed because everything I ate never stayed for too long. At the time I was 14 and really overweight and I lost almost 30lbs 6mos to a year after having the surgery. Then it got all messed up. I hate meds. I used to do the whole Mirilax thing, but it was too annoying to do it everyday. I still have to get up early to prepare fruit and all that,but somehow it seems like less of a hassle than remembering to take medicine everyday.

    Anyways, nice to know I'm not the only person who has had this experience!!
  • Hi Ashley,

    I have Ulcerative Colitis and IBS. Currently, my UC is under control. I've omitted foods that trigger my IBS. Mine is without constipation...I get the "other" symptom with severe cramps when I eat something that I'm intolerant to. The main foods I stay away from are milk, sour cream, cream cheese, egg yolks (I can tolerate the whites) and some foods that are whole grain, wheat really makes me sick...also things like raw apples. Enough about me, but I thought I'd share..I know we seem to have opposite conditions, but maybe there is something in your diet or not in your diet that is keeping you from going that you are unaware of. I think just staying away from the culprits helps me, as well as drinking 64 oz of water a day. I have a friend who was newly diagnosed with IBS similar to your symptoms, she was to omit dairy, increase her fiber and drink water....she finds it hard to drink water...not sure how it's working yet for her.
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    I suffer from IBS too and every time i've tried to change my diet in the past it has ended up quite badly (in hospital). For me I have to avoid eating too much of any type of food or I will build up an intolerance to it. Also I cannot exclude lots of food from my diet so you might have to find the balance. There are things I avoid completely such as milk but I will have soya milk, cheese and sometimes yogurt. And yeast but I can eat bread everyday with some bloating but its a weakness!
    So I would suggest trying to change things slowly and see how your body reacts to it. I also take Buscopan when I feel too uncomfortable and it lessens the attack.

    Also try and avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks as that seems to be a problem for everyone I know with IBS

    Hope it helps
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks guys! Yay I am so glad I worked up the courage to start this thread! I definitely do avoid milk products, I do have yogurt and cheese though because I find that if I completely remove it then that doesn't help either....I guess I will just keep playing around with the type of food I eat.

    Beside the pills mentioned for gallbladder removal, is anyone else taking any sort of supplements on the a regular basis that help? I tried metamucil for a while but you have to take soo much of it and I didn't find it was working!
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