HELP! visalus sciences vi-shape

WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
My SIL just sent me a link to this
Says it is $99.00 a month weight loss and I am thinking SCAM!
Anyone know about this or a site that has real info about it? I don't want her to waste her money and get scammed if my gut is right!


  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member

    They claim that "ViSalus™ is dedicated to bringing the best minds together with the best science to deliver cutting edge nutraceuticals. We take pride in ensuring that everything we do is based on solid scientific research and in having gathered an excellent scientific team headed by our world-class Science Advisory Board members."

    Unfortunately they don't cite ANY studies on Visalus itself. Plus also: NUTRACEUTICALS? What is that supposed to even MEAN.

    40$ for a box of cookies is what.

    claims include:
    "Promotes skin structure and health with grape seed and pine bark extract, glucosamine sulfate, collagen and biotin."
    "Orange “Everyday Defense” has a bright citrus orange flavor and contains powerful antioxidants like turkey tail mushroom extract to strengthen immunity, vitality and stimulate natural cellular defense."

    Sounds like expensive pee to me.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    And of all the papers they link to on their website that they claim support the supplement's effectiveness, only two of the eleven were not actually written by the man who they claim to be their chief scientific advisor.

    AND all of the scientific papers except for 1 (supposed to be supporting their drug for all the claims they've made, including better skin, weight loss, anti-aging) are actually about the effects of dietary supplements on HEARING PROBLEMS, that's it. No claims are substantiated.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I just dont get it really. Is it all just meal replacement shakes? They keep talking about winning a BMW and earning things. What does one have to do with the other.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok I just checked out her package that she chose and it says that she will use some shake to replace 2 meals. That got me thinking. If you are only drinking 2 shakes a day and eating 1 meal then you have no choice but to lose weight. I looked further and found that there is only 90 calories in the shakes. 180 calories and then 1 meal....does that not sound aweful?

    I don't want to pee on her party but want to present her with facts.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    That seems like she's going to be eating very little overall. Even if you get a good 600 cal meal for dinner, you're still only eating 780 calories, so it sounds dangerous.
    Also she's got to consider what dieting is going to do for her lifestyle. What's she going to do after she runs out of milkshakes?

    Probably costs and arm and a leg.
  • Go ahead-pee on her party.

    Is she planning on staying on that stuff for life? How will she learn to eat right and exercise if she ever goes off it? Such an ultra-low calorie regimen will likely throw her body into starvation mode and that means she'll lose muscle mass rather than fat. That's probably not her goal.

    Plus the whole thing looks very much like a MLM scam. Yeah, you can buy the product but if you JOIN and Sell, you'll save so much!

    Caveat emptor.

  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Looks like an MLM (multi-level marketing) to me. The problem with those, no matter how good the product is, it always takes a backseat to recruitment of more people to sell it. And if everyone sells it, then everyone already has it, and there's no one left to sell to, the market is saturated, and you're stuck with product you can't sell. Its a waste of money. Also, be wary of anything that doesn't have nutrition facts listed. I couldn't find anything.

    If you want to spend $100 a month on an MLM, go with something that's upfront about what's in it. I hate to go there, but Shakeology is a good example, I've checked their website, and you can at least read their ingredient list and nutrition info right there. And if it doesn't fit into your dietary needs, you can avoid making that mistake right then. This visalus stuff, well, complete unknown there, so.....

    Oh! And after googling "visalus" I came up with 5 pages of search results, maybe 5 of the listings weren't created by the company. That means that they are creating their own buzz and web presence, no one is really saying anything about them, except themselves.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well I tried. Since I don't really "chat" with my sister in law I talked to my mother in law. I told her that from what I read she is suppose to replace 2 meals with a shake however the shakes themselves are only 90 calories. So 2 of those is 180 calories. That is not enough for anyone's body to survive on at all. She will lose weight because her body will go into starvation mode. Also if she plans to do this long term then it will get costly both price wise and health wise. There is no easy fix or special shake just diet and exercise Figure I have lost 30lbs but just watching what I eat and adding minimal exercise.
    Then there is the whole other aspect of referring people to join for "benefits" to me that screams pyramid scheme. I don't want to pee on her parade but I don't want her to be unhealthy either

    Her reply was " yes you are very lucky. I agree. She told me her friend at work is taking the shakes. Up to her. Hope it works for her."

    Really? Lucky? Why because I have the tools and the drive to work for what I want?

    So I said that I hope it works too but it is a very unhealthy approach and I think will do more harm then good.

    She says "I know. Just wish her luck"

    I tried. I guess she will have to figure it out the hard way.

    Thanks for the help!
  • emetita
    emetita Posts: 2 Member
    You should get more inform about this. What they said is that you replace 2 meals with the shake made with milk so add the milk calorie as well and have healthy snacks in between, the idea is to never go on starvation.
    Anyway. I'm starting taking it as well and in 3 days I lost 3 lbs. My snacks are fruits and Yogurt or almonds or hard boiled eggs and I have a normal dinner. My caloric intake is about 1200-1350 cals.
    Give it a chance it is not unhealthy and I have seen results from it. That's why I join.
    My 2 cents.
  • Visalus IS A GREAT product~ MUCH better then the leading SHAKEOLOGY! ..I KNOW LOADS OF PPL THAT HAVE LOST A LOT AND KEPT IT OFF! I JUST GOT IT MYSELF. yes the shake is 90 cal BUT its full of everything u need so NO your BODY is not u ca add fruits and such to it! ITS A VERY GOOD product and wise choice for those who need a boost!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    i just can't imagine paying to drink shakes. I mean if you are comsuming 1200-1350 calories and exercising then you are basically doing what we all do here for FREE.
  • dcs3473
    dcs3473 Posts: 1
    I totally believe that Visalus has given me my life back. I changed my life and ways in August of 2009 after peaking at 408lbs. I was able to lose a total of 60 lbs on my own before I ran into that "WALL" I didnt know where to go. In September of 2010, after going nowhere for three months I found Visalus. I joined the program and now promise everyone reading this I will "NEVER" stop drinking the shakes. The amount of nutrients and vitamins I am getting and the way it makes me feel is amazing. I am proud to say I am now down another 69lbs and a total of 49 inches off my body. The best part is I also "Eat For Free" because of Visalus.

    Love It,

  • LauraJNH
    LauraJNH Posts: 4 Member
    MFP set a target 1,200 calories a day for me; each of my Visalus shakes has ended up being between 180 and 240 calories. I use a combination of Simply Smart 1% milk and water (currently 2oz milk with 6oz water) plus fruit. Then I have about 400-600 meal and one-two 100-ish calorie snacks.

    I prefer the ViShape over Shakeology for the following reasons:
    1. Taste (ViShape's flavor is far and away more palatable and has a smoother texture than Shakeology.)
    2. Cost ($50 retail per bag versus $120 retail for Shakeology or the $90 discounted price for coaches plus $15/mth coach fee I was paying)
    3. Regularity (I've always been regular; Shakeology shut that down; ViShape doesn't)

    I was able to easily find the ingredient listing for ViShape with a google search. I did find it frustrating that unlike BB, I couldn't just order from the main visalus site and had to find a consultant or customer first. They should consider BB's model where you can order from their main site if you choose to.
  • kgranter
    kgranter Posts: 9 Member
    ViSalus has helped many people lose weight and it DOES work. Don't put something down that you haven't even tried - it's so different from everything else out there!
  • kgranter
    kgranter Posts: 9 Member
    For those looking for ingredient list, etc - here's a place where you can find it:
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    Visalus is an amazing product. Yes, MLM is involved but nothing about it is a scam! I have been on it for a week and have lost 5 pounds! I take in about 1250 calories a day and I take 2 shakes. I get more nutrients in those two shakes than I was typically getting in one week of food. It is not "expensive pee," its a healthy alternative to the junk we usually put in our bodies.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I personally know 4 people on this challenge and all are doing very well after 30 days. I think it would be a hard transition back to real food when you are unable to make yourself a shake. personally i like to chew my food, but thought I would try it once a day when I have sweet cravings. Works so far. down 3.2 lbs in 3 days.
    it's not MLM. $49 gets you a bag of shake mix for 30 days if you have 2 shakes a day and my bag will last 60 days. Cheaper and healthier than ice cream or cake!
  • I have been working out for 41 days now and have been reading into a lot of information.
    My 3 main information places all say the same thing shakes are always second rated to ''whole foods'' why because its a meal replacement not a actual meal and you should only take a shake if you are rly short on time etc and its time for you to eat again witch should be every 3 hours orso to max out your metabolism.

    I have also heard from some people that after they switch back to normal food they gain some weight again fast.
    Losing 3-5 pounds in a week is great dont get me wrong but with normal food, rest and some cardio/fitness you get the same results and it will save you some cash I think paying $50 or more for some shakes is just a money waste tbh.

    I have been losing an avg. 0,65 lbs per day and I dont use anny shakes or protein bars or annything like that just 1 vitamin pill for my A,B,C etc because I dont eat that much vegi's and they cost 5 bucks for 120 pills so thats about 15 dollars per year :P

    Annyway thats just my 2 cents =)
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I have been working out for 41 days now and have been reading into a lot of information.
    My 3 main information places all say the same thing shakes are always second rated to ''whole foods'' why because its a meal replacement not a actual meal and you should only take a shake if you are rly short on time etc and its time for you to eat again witch should be every 3 hours orso to max out your metabolism.

    I have also heard from some people that after they switch back to normal food they gain some weight again fast.
    Losing 3-5 pounds in a week is great dont get me wrong but with normal food, rest and some cardio/fitness you get the same results and it will save you some cash I think paying $50 or more for some shakes is just a money waste tbh.

    I have been losing an avg. 0,65 lbs per day and I dont use anny shakes or protein bars or annything like that just 1 vitamin pill for my A,B,C etc because I dont eat that much vegi's and they cost 5 bucks for 120 pills so thats about 15 dollars per year :P

    Annyway thats just my 2 cents =)

    I agree with ya! for me its to satisfy that craving and a quick meal if needed. I dread to see what happens whe n people stop drinking those things 2 times a day!
  • fredd500
    fredd500 Posts: 106 Member
    ...its full of everything u need so NO your BODY is not STARVING...

    Everything your body needs except calories. Everyone needs energy, and energy is calories full stop. Shakes are fine when taken as part of a balanced diet which includes enough calories to fuel your body. I am drinking slimfast shakes for breakfast (and having a meal bar with them to up the calorie count because I need to) and just aiming for the goal calories that MFP is suggesting.
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