Feeling Discouraged!

I am feeling a little discouraged this week! I have been hitting it hard for about a month and this week is dragging me down!!! I have only worked out 2 times... I was doing well staying on track with food until last night! We ordered pizza for dinner... which I was going to allow myself to have 2 slices... which would have filled me up, but NO... I ate one slice, got up and grabbed a 3rd slice.... while I still had a slice on my plate... so that is 3 slices of pizza. Then I had to take my DD to dance class... which happens to be right next door to one of my favorite places to get cheese sticks...ugg... BUT I did not walk in and get cheese sticks... Instead I went to the grocery store and got salad for lunch today (which I forgot at home). After I left the grocery I had time to kill... so what did I do.. I went to Mc Donalds and got a sundae and sat and ate it in my car!... Yea... I didnt need it... I wasnt hungry... and I hide it from my DD! Why? Because I knew I shouldnt have been eating it...When I got home I should have worked out.. But did I... NOPE!

So anyway I am feeling discouraged... No real reason to feel that way... I have lost 8 lbs since 1/1/11, which I am happy with... I was just hoping to be at 10 or 12 lbs by now!

So someone, anyone, please kick me in the *kitten* and tell me what I already know! I didnt get this way over night (even though it may seem that way), The weight isnt going to go away over night either!


  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    Today is a new day.

    You know what you did and you are feeling horrible about doing it. Remember how you feel. Don't let it happen again!
    pick your self up and smile. One bad day is not the end. You CAN do this!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Although it is easier said than done, don't beat yourself up too much. I missed a cardio workout on Monday because I had to be out the door much earlier due to an out-of-town hearing. I am still feeling guilty about it, and trying to figure out a way to "make up" the time. But, I've got to let go, too. Beating yourself up will do you no good. As the other poster said, "Today is a new day." Today you get to make good choices for yourself. One non-ideal day does not a disaster or failure make.
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    I understand how you feel...I was beating myself up over yesterday too. BUT...you have LOST 8 pounds...you recognize that you shouldn't have eaten those things...you are admitting it...YOU CAN DO THIS! Today is a new day...learn from yesterday and move on!
  • Wolffeathers
    What I do when I screw up, is forget about it. There is nothing you can do to change the past. Work on, not today, but right now. Think about the future, and the way you want to look/feel.
  • Lisamarie7574
    Lisamarie7574 Posts: 70 Member
    Remember, we ALL have these kinds of days - even more than one day in a row! I find that all it takes is ONE pizza night or ONE night where you just can't cook dinner and have to do take-out and you just want to indulge. And I truly believe that, at the very least every couple of weeks, we need at least one night of indulgence. (If it's two, that's okay!). We have to be real to ourselves....and it's just not realistic to NEVER cheat or over indulge! You are doing FABULOUS if you lost 8 lbs since Jan. 1st! Definitely be proud! And don't be down. We simply tell ourselves, "okay, I overindulged, I'm not happy about it, but it's not permanent" and get right back to where you were. Chin up! You really are doing great. Hope I helped!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Can't change the past. Maybe figure out what triggered the mini binge. Was it a stressful day? Was it that you haven't allowed yourself any guilty pleasures? The latter is one I have a problem with. I need to make sure that I allow myself SOMETHING that isn't necessarily healthy, but definitely something that we crave once a day. That could be 10 reese's pieces or 1/2 cup of peach frozen yogurt or even (gasp) that cookie from subway. Cutting things out won't help you stick to a plan. Plan things into your food budget and allow a little guilty pleasure (in moderation of course). If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Pick yourself back up. One bad evening won't put 5 pounds on the scale. Start over today. You got this.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    REALLY? Do you want to go back to the old you or run to the new you? So what, you cheated, boo whoo, does that mean you are a loser, no it means you are human, now get off your big fat *kitten*, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself it’s alright but next time you WILL not give in!!!!!!!!

    One thing that might help is to plan your cheat days/meals. Instead of trying to be “good” all the time, have a day that you let yourself have things you have been missing,,,, and plan the portion size so that you don’t completely blow the whole week in one day. Example if you want to have pizza, buy it by the slice instead of a whole pizza.

    This is a journey, does it really matter how long it takes to get there?
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Knowing you should have not done something is a start to not think like that again. You are doing great and sometimes your gonna eat pizza. Start today fresh!! This is not a diet its a life change. Life is balance! Good luck!!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I can't remember where i heard it, but a saying has always stuck with me:

    "Tomorrow is another day with no mistakes in it yet".

    The best way I deal with potentially falling off the wagon is remembering how awful I felt the next day. Is that couple of minutes of happiness worth feeling slow and crabby the next morning? Is it worth the emotional rollercoaster? Could I maybe substitute something that won't have me feeling terrible the next morning that would be just as good? Often I can make a great bargain with myself to avoid that chocolate sundae by instead having 100 calories of dark chocolate or a jello pudding snack.
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Same here. But like some people already mention that you are recognizing it instead of ignoring it. Make healthier and wiser choices today.

    I brought in some grilled Peruvian chicken with black beans and rice, and corn. I will also be working out during my lunch time.

    We all have our days, we just have to remember that we can't have them too often or our hard work will be undone.

    New day, new attitude, new choices!!!!
  • karljp
    karljp Posts: 30 Member
    8 lbs in a month, wow! Outstanding! If you quit now, you will gain that back and more making it a bad year. Continue on and lose 8lbs every month and lose 96 lbs in a year! Does that change your thinking? I don't know how much you want to lose, but 8lbs in a month is awesome! And you should be able to get to your goal weight quickly at that rate and maintain. You can cheat every once in a while with food, otherwise, you will not sustain! You have to have days to enjoy yourself, you did that last night, good for you! Now, get back to work and make February as successful as January! Go, go, go! Good Luck!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Its not whether you fall, its that you get back up and keep going!!!!!11
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you all so much for the encouraging words!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Its not whether you fall, its that you get back up and keep going!!!!!

    So true... dust yourself off and start again. We've all been there before.
  • mush1958
    mush1958 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't say, tomorrow, I will get back on track. So you blew one meal, you are ALWAYS one MEAL away from getting back in the game!!!!!!!
  • k8smama
    Don't beat yourself up!! NO ONE is perfect, everyone falls...it's all about standing up after you fall, brushing yourself off, realizing what you did wrong and moving on. I had a 3rd slice moment a couple weeks ago, and just the other day one mini reese cup turned into 5! It happens! An 8 pound loss in less than a month shows that you're doing SOMETHING right, focus on that!!:flowerforyou: