Watching The Biggest Loser whilst working out......

I have to tell you that this works for me. If I'm not at the gym on the weekend and I decide to bust out the cross trainer/elliptical at home I always seem to lose interest and don't put much effort in despite blasting my favourite music (I always make sure I put the effort in at the gym tho).

Well.....this weekend I decided to watch an episode of The Biggest Loser whilst training on the elliptical and damn it pushed me to my limits. I managed 40 minutes and I was sweating as though I'd been on it for hours, as in litereally dripping. The day after I did the same thing with more intensity and resistance and only managed 30 mins but the calorie burn must have been in sane!

I need to get my HRM working again so I can see exactly what I'm burning.

So for anybody that needs motivation whilst training from home, plonk your machine infront of the TV and watch the Biggest Losers go crazy! Its crazy how much they pushed me. I need to get myself a Jillian Michaels lol


  • midonhau
    midonhau Posts: 108 Member
    I know what u mean...I watch the show on Tuesday nights while riding my stationary bike :laugh:
  • time2move
    time2move Posts: 78 Member
    My husband isn't interested in those shows, so I record Biggest Loser, Heavy and I Used To Be Fat and watch them over the week. I always set up my Wii with Walk It Out, and switch back to tv so I'm logging my steps/calories. I don't have gym equipment, but I'd love to get a treadmill or elliptical to watch these shows!
  • urnewbuddee
    urnewbuddee Posts: 53 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only that thought this was a good idea! Every time I watch The Biggest Loser, I think to myself, "I should really be working out while watching this!" But, I'm currently saving for my exercise equipment and just do my exercises outside...where there is no TV. Hopefully, I'll have my elliptical in the next month and I'll be able to follow your lead and watch The Biggest Loser while working my butt off!
  • dyte
    dyte Posts: 13
    I also would like to get some sort of equipment, possibly a treadmill. I like to run, and if I could do that while watching t.v, that would be doing two things at once!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I don't have at home equipment but I love The Biggest Loser and I watch weekly as motivation. I am always motivated to try a new machine or work harder at the gym. I like their food tips too, I frequently add something to my shopping list while watching.

    I can see what I don't want to be and all the possible health issues can come with obesity. My parents are over weight and have high blood pressure. Since I discovered beer about 8 months ago I had put on 20 pounds and didn't really notice. I knew I had gained some but when I finally jumped on the scale I was horrified. I have lost 8 pounds and would like to lose more but I am taking it slow. For me its about being in control and aware of what I'm eating, drinking, and doing to be health and happy.