Calling all 5'3" and 150 ish lb ladies



  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Jenn, I would like to know your thoughts on eating all your calories, plus exercise calories.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jenn, I would like to know your thoughts on eating all your calories, plus exercise calories.

    Hopefully no one will take offence because I am only trying to help, but I made the mistake for many months of eating far to few calories. I lost at the beginning (first 20 lbs came off a pound at a time fairly regularly) but then my weight loss stalled for many months and it was very frustrating. MFP had me set at 1200 calories a day for a 1 lbs loss per week and I was really losing more like .3 per week if any at all. I would feel starved and crave all kinds of bad foods. After being “so good” keeping at 1200 per day for a few weeks with little to no loss I would binge and eat a few extra 100 calories one day. Every time I would eat a little more like that (healthy calories by the way, not a snickers bar) my body would hold onto the food and store it as fat. *so again, healthy food at 1200 for weeks, then an extra piece of lean chicken for dinner and I would show a gain on the scale*
    I did this for a long time. Losing a bit, then re-gaining. Down a bit, then back up losing the same 5 lbs just to gain it back again.
    Now that I eat more like 1500+ all (or at least half if I am not hungry for all) my exercise calories (now MFP is set to a half pound loss per week) I lose more like 1-3 lbs per week. It was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that if I eat more I will lose more, but I found that to be true. I know I sure wish someone would of told me sooner that I was not eating enough. That would have saved me a lot of time and frustration as well as the feeling of being starved for months.

    I will not be offended if you do not take my advice. I understand it is your journey and you must do what you feel good about. I just know that I am eating 1500+ my exercise calories and am losing more now than I ever did eating only 1200. I truly believe that I was putting my body into starvation mode eating that low. Now I feel so much better, I have more energy, and I am even more patient with my kids.

    Just my 2 cents, I am not a Doctor but I hope my past experience helps you.
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    hey all im 5"4 and a half ;) i weigh 155 at moment. im looking to get down to 140. my mfp calorie allowance is 1200 a day. im a carer with mentally ill elderly people so im forever running around lol and i excersise 3-4 times a week if im not to shattered. im on day 19 and ive lost about 5 lbs so far but quite a few inches, i think where ive gained muscle the weight loss is not so great but as long as i can see a difference on my hips its all good :) this website is amazing it helps keep me motivated and so does reading all ur posts :) pls feel free to add me as a friend its great to hear from ppl similar heights n weights :) hope ur all having a fantastic week
    jade xxx
  • mjb123
    mjb123 Posts: 19
    I am 5"4' and weigh 147. I eat 1500 a day but I work out a lot.
  • Hi everyone. I'm 5'3 (well, almost) and weighed 144 on Monday. My MFP calorie is 1200 also, but doesn't include exercise calories. I was told by some nutritionists (not on this board) that I needed to "net" 1200 calories - to not go below that. I work out every day and get between 300-400 calories each day for that. I entered into MFP that my goal weight was 120 at 1 lb a week. The system says I'm targeted to .8 lbs weight loss a week so we'll see. The first couple of days I had trouble going past the 1200 calories (not wanting to eat the exercise calories), but now after talking to the nutritionists and reading all these posts, I'm going to try to stick to 1400-ish a day (and make sure I exercise). I'm also 46 years old, so not sure if age factors into anything when the system tracks it.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Just pop 'n in to say hello. How is everyone doing on their goals? I am doing great on my walking so I am adding in a yoga DVD next week!
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    hey jen :) doing ok having a good week been doing my davina dvd which i love :) hope ur week is going well and u enjoy ur yoga dvd xx
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    My scale is moving this week, after no loss last week. My goal is to be under 150 by Valentine's Day.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Great job on the loss Cando55! 150 by Valentine's is a great goal.

    I forget what everyone weighs...
    Should we do a Friday weigh in? If you want to post your numbers go for it, and I'll start.

    (vaca for two weeks to visit my sister and didn't weigh or count calories)
  • losergirl30lbs
    losergirl30lbs Posts: 2 Member
    Just joined...I am 5"3 and weigh in today @ goal is to lose a total of 30lbs. I began my weightloss two weeks ago, and I have lost 5lbs so far. I have been eating on avaerage between 1100 and 1300 calories per day, and I do not excercise very much. I am in a biggest loser contest at work too. This is helping to keep me motivated too! Good luck to everyone!
  • losergirl30lbs
    losergirl30lbs Posts: 2 Member
    Good Luck, and definitely don't beat yourself up or be too self critical even though it is hard at times! It sounds like you are doing soo awesome! I would love to be at the 138 mark...I have not been under 140 in 6yrs!
  • Wow. I think I am the "shortest" person on here... 5' 0" and weigh 145lbs. my GW is 130 and then I will see. mfp has me at 1200, but I have never even come close. I usually eat btween 1700--1800 (hence why I haven't lost weight)!! I LOVE food. Plus I have excuses out the back-side. I am lucky if I exercise 1x a week. Totally like this group. I know it can be done because you ladies are showing me. I hope I can snap out of the rut I am in because the warmer months are coming and I want to be able to wear short shorts again.

    Is there a way to flag this so I can keep coming back and reading it? I am kind of new to the site.

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi Mickey, welcome!

    Once you go to message boards, click "my topics" and every thread you have posted in will show up. So then just look for our topic and you should be able to find us again.

    I am going to weigh in tomorrow, wish me luck!
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I eat between 1200-1300 before my exercise calories.
  • I'm 5'2.5'' and 140 pounds...I was assigned 1200 net calories/day.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 152 lbs. My goal is set to 1200 calories, but I find I get tired and headachey on days when I eat only that, so I exercise every day, boosting my allowance on a typical day to around 1700. I feel good if I eat 1500-1700 calories and exercise, and I seem to be losing weight at about the expected rate.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I'll be here soon!! I"m working on the 150ish part. 3 more lbs to go!! See yah soon!!:bigsmile:

    I'm here!!! I said the above 2 months ago!! Wow, who knew it would take me this long! :blushing:

    5'3 @ 158.4.

    And as af last month, i quit logging food intake. Eating just based on the changes I made and have kept for the past 10 months. See how it goes!!
  • zoezoe11
    zoezoe11 Posts: 15
    Just read your post: and you answered my question...I have been eating all or most of my exercise calories back and have not losing as much as i need to...Thanks for posting this!
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