How can I get more protein being a Vegitarian?

ImBabyBunny Posts: 75
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
It' very hard for me to get enough protein into my diet...and I am having a problem getting rid of fat! Being a vegetarian isn't helping much...I am getting most of my protein from soy products but they still don't have enough in them. I am thinking I need to buy a protein mix, They can't have animal by-products in them though...witch is tricky. Any suggests? =]


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Are you vegan or vegetarian? if you are a vegetarian you can use milk products to get protein (yogurt, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, etc.) Legumes (beans and lentils) are great as well, try adding protein powder to drinks or sauces. Brown rice has more protein than white, so switch if you didn't already. Nuts and seeds contain a good amount of protein as well.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Are you strictly vegetarian or vegan? I would suggest a Greek yogurt. They have lots of protein in them and are very filling as a quick breakfast or snack.
  • Also wondering the same! I do protein shakes twice a day. Obviously lots and lots of beans but I would love other ideas too! I use the Whole Foods brand of Vanilla Whey Protein...they have chocolate too. Haven't tried that one yet but the Vanilla is pretty good when mixed into a smoothie or shake.
  • Nuts, seeds and beans can help to add some protein into your diet!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I hear good things about avacados as well as tree nuts especially Brazil nuts as they have lots of antioxidents.
  • I have a serious question and mean no disrespect. I've always wondered this. What is it that vegitarians eat to cause them to be over weight? Just out of my own curiosity and I've never asked the question. Like, How do vegans over eat? I mean. I see how you could technically over eat, but I don't see what veggie could be so bad that it makes you overweifght. ESPECIALLY someone that is a NO animal product at allllllll vegan. If you answer my spontaneously combusted question, I appreciate it. lololol. I really do mean no harm and only curious.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Hmm you could contact a GNC and ask specifically for vegetarian or vegan products... they should be able to help you find some. I am not a strict vegetarian... but gravitate that way... I eat a lot of beans, veggie-products (soy). You didn't mention if you ate eggs... but they offer good protein. Milk is also a great source of protein - if you drink milk. Nuts, seeds, legumes. A lot of cereals have protein, cereal bars (just watch the sugar). Good luck!! :heart:
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I have a serious question and mean no disrespect. I've always wondered this. What is it that vegitarians eat to cause them to be over weight? Just out of my own curiosity and I've never asked the question. Like, How do vegans over eat? I mean. I see how you could technically over eat, but I don't see what veggie could be so bad that it makes you overweifght. ESPECIALLY someone that is a NO animal product at allllllll vegan. If you answer my spontaneously combusted question, I appreciate it. lololol. I really do mean no harm and only curious.

    Carbs carbs carbs! Sugars!
  • ereeners
    ereeners Posts: 14 Member
    If you eat dairy, cottage cheese is a GREAT source of protein.... 12 g in every half cup.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I have a serious question and mean no disrespect. I've always wondered this. What is it that vegitarians eat to cause them to be over weight? Just out of my own curiosity and I've never asked the question. Like, How do vegans over eat? I mean. I see how you could technically over eat, but I don't see what veggie could be so bad that it makes you overweifght. ESPECIALLY someone that is a NO animal product at allllllll vegan. If you answer my spontaneously combusted question, I appreciate it. lololol. I really do mean no harm and only curious.

    Some eat carbs carbs and more carbs, including candy (sugar)
  • I have a serious question and mean no disrespect. I've always wondered this. What is it that vegitarians eat to cause them to be over weight? Just out of my own curiosity and I've never asked the question. Like, How do vegans over eat? I mean. I see how you could technically over eat, but I don't see what veggie could be so bad that it makes you overweifght. ESPECIALLY someone that is a NO animal product at allllllll vegan. If you answer my spontaneously combusted question, I appreciate it. lololol. I really do mean no harm and only curious.

    Carbs carbs carbs! Sugars!

    Ok. Makes sense now....... Thanks. I really couldn't put it together.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I have a serious question and mean no disrespect. I've always wondered this. What is it that vegitarians eat to cause them to be over weight? Just out of my own curiosity and I've never asked the question. Like, How do vegans over eat? I mean. I see how you could technically over eat, but I don't see what veggie could be so bad that it makes you overweifght. ESPECIALLY someone that is a NO animal product at allllllll vegan. If you answer my spontaneously combusted question, I appreciate it. lololol. I really do mean no harm and only curious.

    Some eat carbs carbs and more carbs, including candy (sugar)

    Haha you're post was almost identical to mine.... :happy:
  • I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 yrs now. There are many meat substitutes in the freezer isle in supermarkets. My sugeestions in that isle are Boca, Morning Star (which just brought back there awesome corndogs), & Quorn (non-soy protein product). Also, beans, nuts, & dairy are great ways to get more protein. Any questions or more suggestions on my favs in each area, send me a message or request :)
  • luvbnamom : It's perfectly fine. =] MOST people I know who are vegans gain weight from eating sugary foods Cakes, pies ect. And breads, pasta, garlic bread.ect. They don't just live on veg and fruit! Me on the other hand my body basically does whatever the hell it wants! I don't gain weight from crabs I do from fat! lol I am Vegetarian BUT sooooooooooooooooo many dairy product contain NON-vegetarian products. Like McDonald's french fires are fried in oil that has bacon in it. So I could eat fries...but if they are cooked/made with meat than no. It's the same with dairy. Most cheese contains a by product of pork. So no. SO if even if the product itself it vegetarian( like a carrot) and it is made/processed/ comes into contact with or is cooked with a meat product. It no longer is ok to eat. And if it is vegetarian and is cooked with a dairy product that contains meat/by-product of meat, it is no longer ok to it.
    I don't eat at any restaurants either or fast food places. Everything I eat I know exactly whats in it and it is prepared at home.
    So being Vegetarian actually helped me lose 50 lbs and I am thinking about going vegan only because it's hard to find dairy product that DO NOT have meat in them. It is absolutely fine to asks questions I do not mind it at all.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Nuts and legumes are a great source of protein for a vegan.
  • Fruit4dessert
    Fruit4dessert Posts: 150 Member
    ImBabyBunny, there is a new cookbook out called Appetite For Reduction, that is a lowfat vegan cookbook. All the recipes have been analyzed by a nutritionist, and the nutritional information is listed for each recipe. It has helped me balance my protein to carbs ratio to be able to see the info for each recipe before making it. Plus everything tastes really good and is healthy.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Sorry if I'm repeating someone but Quinoa currently holds the title as the most complex protein source of any grain or plant

    It's so yummy.
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