
joetta00 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
HI ive been on this for about a month now and I usually stay under my cal intake,but I am not losing weight and I try to go to gym at least 3 times a week. I don't know what is going on, Any suggestions? I need help and I need motivation,,please!!:sad:


  • It takes time. Don't get discouraged. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting lots of leafy greens and vegetables!
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Very frustrating, and I have totally been there. Just got out of a one-month plateau myself. Few thoughts...

    1) Change it up. Switch your workout routine. Are you incorporating strength training? Muscle burns fat!! Change your eating habits for a few days to "shock" the system back into responding. Decrease the sodium; increase the water. Minimize processed sugar.

    2) Are you eating your exercise calories? For me, I've found I do great when I eat about 75% of my exercise calories. Your body needs 1200 NET calories to function... So get at least that, and maybe a little more so your body doesn't think you're trying to starve it.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    There are a lot of factors involved in losing weight. Make sure to stay over the 1200 calories, that is what most people on here will tell you. Your body really appreciates knowing it will be fed! Keep the sodium intake within reason if you tend to hang on to water weight. Check out some of the food diaries of some of those people who are losing wieght. That means you gotta make some friends and see who is succussful so you can learn from them. Good luck!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I'm in a very similar situation. I've noticed that on the days that I am not under goal...I sabotage other days as well. Let's just say that I feel like I've worked hard and that extra cookie can't add up to (but it does) While its true that we take one day at a time(as we should), we need to look at the overall picture. See if at the end of the weeks you are under weekly totals. You WILL accomplish your goal...hang in there!
  • What do you do at the gym? How much food are you eating? How much rest do you get?
  • I've been struggling with the same situation for the past month. At the beginning, I was exercising about two hours a day and eating a lot vegetables and fruits, hardly any fats and carbs. I ate only lean meats. I didn't count exercise calories. That really worked. However, when I started eating more by adding allotted calories from exercise, my weight loss slowed down. I believe I should not count all of the exercise calories I've gained.
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