Addicted to calorie counting?

I am pretty new at this, but at the very beginning I was obsessed with staying under my daily calorie goal, and then after falling off the bandwagon for 3 days (I am shocked that I didn't gain back all of the four pounds I lost), I went back to counting on Monday of this week. However, I am counting very strictly again. For example, I had four small strawberries and I felt bad about it until I logged it into my food diary.

Is that normal? My friend saw me adding stuff into my phone and she looked at me strangely and said, "Don't," because she thinks I am being too strict.


  • Mrs_McFadden
    I would think that if it became REALLY obsessive then yes you have an issue. But I cannot claim to be unbiased because I'm the same exact way since I started in the past week and half lol :).

    For myself, I know it's because it seems to be a very tangible record of progress being made- even if I don't see it directly on the scale, seeing my calories work out to my plans are kind of like a mini game ..the scale being the level boss! I'm a gamer so ..if I make things into a game it makes it all more fun for me.
  • bdavenport62

    For myself, I know it's because it seems to be a very tangible record of progress being made- even if I don't see it directly on the scale, seeing my calories work out to my plans are kind of like a mini game ..the scale being the level boss! I'm a gamer so ..if I make things into a game it makes it all more fun for me.

    That made me laugh because that's how I see it too!
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    If you are strict with yourself about remembering to log, that's great. This site is about accountability and your friend doesn't understand the power of support and responsibility. That includes 4 strawberries!

    If you can't think about anything else until you've run home and logged---if it's interfering with your daily activities to a point where you are losing sight of your friendships or work or goals, then I'd say yes, it's crossed a line. You sound firmly planted in the sane category to me, though.
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    This is a healthy obsession. I would keep logging everything. It really helps to see the big picture! And when you run the reports it will give you a more accurate picture of your progress.
  • Katrina634
    :smile: I dont' eat unless I enter it first, so I can see how it's going to affect my diet (when I can). I can't wait to get my new Iphone so I can have it on my phone.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I log from my phone all the time. And being able to do so makes it much easier to keep track. I am able to immediately enter the information, then forget about it and move on with my day. I think it would be worse if I had to keep it all in my head and try and remember when I got to a computer, or if I had to write it all down on paper and then transfer to the site! IMO, that would be way worse!!! Taking a moment to log from your phone is perfectly fine, and I applaud you for tracking so diligently. Keep it up, and don't worry about what your friend says!!
  • litljoy2001
    I'm the same way I put every little thing in cause untill I hit my goal I cant take any chances..Dont let anyone make you feel funny about it...
  • dbcja
    dbcja Posts: 54
    Thats the point of the website. If you didnt log everything you ate it wouldnt be an accurate programme.

    Imagine if on top of your "normal food" you ate 4 small strawberries at 10am, 1 biscut at 11.30, an couple of hot chips fromsomeone elses plate at 2pm, a quater of your sons left over sandwich(you cant waste it) at 3pm, and a beer in the evening and you didnt log all of that.

    All of that would add up to a meals worth of calories on its own.
  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member
    I log everything too - its not about being obsessive with calorie counting, it's about taking the process seriously and if you do then it does work. As long as what you're eating is healthy and balanced to meet your dietary needs and you are eating at least your net calories then you're not likely to do yourself any harm. As with most things you just need to be sensible!

    Keep up the hard work :o)
  • cindyrella2010
    Thats the point of the website. If you didnt log everything you ate it wouldnt be an accurate programme.

    Imagine if on top of your "normal food" you ate 4 small strawberries at 10am, 1 biscut at 11.30, an couple of hot chips fromsomeone elses plate at 2pm, a quater of your sons left over sandwich(you cant waste it) at 3pm, and a beer in the evening and you didnt log all of that.

    All of that would add up to a meals worth of calories on its own.

    Wow, that's a really great way of looking at it, and very true!

    I am so grateful for all the support, and to know that I am not crazy here!!!
  • Smokechic
    Smokechic Posts: 40 Member
    My husband and I just talked about this last night. He said he doesn't want to HAVE to log his calories for the rest of his life but feels it is necessary to do it for now. He is hoping that this will teach him how to portion and how to look at foods (good vs. bad). His initial goal is to lose 50 pounds. He feels that once he has reached his goal, he'll try stopping and if he notices a gain he will track again for a little while.

    I would like to lose 10 pounds. As we all heard, the last 10 are the hardest and I feel it is crucial for me so that I can pay attention to what I'm eating. I personally love tracking calories and I KNOW it helps. Before I started using this site on my phone, I used to write everything down and bring it home to enter on the computer!! It holds me accountable....even though I know what I ate, if I don't have to look at what I ate again then I can forget about it, right????

    As always, do what works for you. If that makes you strict then love being strict! Keep up the awesome work girl!
  • aesoprok
    I'm sitting at my computer eating dinner, which is a big bowl of salad and a small plate of pasta. I'm guessing it's about 400 cals, but it will probably be more since i seem to always underestimate when i prepare meals.

    I've used at least 20 ingredients in this meal ( fancy myself a chef ) and i wasn't going to log it, because it takes a while to enter all that. But after reading this post, i'm reminded of why i need to. Thanks :smile: