I think *THIS* is it

Belle_Fille Posts: 469
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Like I said in my intro when I first joined in January, I've been on MFP before. I got discouraged, depressed & gave up.

This time I said I was determined to do it no matter if at any point I decided "who cares! I love food, it makes me happy...ill just stay fat!" or not. Well before (when I was on here before deleting my account) I would see or hear people talking about food. (pizza, cookies, cake, just junk in general) and I would think "oooh that sounds SO GOOD!!!! I want one!" I wouldnt eat it (until the end when i failed) but i would sit and think about it forever!

Well today, Ive seen several people talking about Chinese food (take out), taco bell, pop, etc...and you know, all I can think is "OMG thats A LOT of sodium/sugar/etc.)!!!!! I have no desire to eat these things!
One girl on my facebook page just posted about lil smokies in BBQ sauce and the velveta shells mac n cheese. I wanted to puke! maybe because just last week i had a few lil smokies, before realizing how much sodium was in those dang things...but still!

its an improvement!
I think *THIS* is it! *THIS* is my turn to lose the weight!


  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    *THIS...IS...AWESOME*!!!! I'm a firm believer in we/our bodies have to be ready to make the change...And, girl...YOU ARE READY!!! So happy for you :flowerforyou:

  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Good for you! I have finally started being more aware of what I am eating. Some days I go into the bad habits, but it happens thats the constant struggle that I will always fight. Great first step!!
  • That is awesome!! You are well on your way!! :]
  • You can do this!!! I was in your place in thinking "I like the way I am, and I like food." I think most people thought the same way who are on here now. You just have to have that one moment that triggers you to want to change. I'm so happy that your moment came, and welcome back!

    Best of luck!!!
  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    That's great. Sounds like you have hit a big turning point. I wish I could hit that point.
  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    So happy to hear that you are thinking of food in a whole new way. Maybe this is *IT* ...the time when you take control of your diet instead of letting it control you. I am happy for you sweetie and feel free to add me if you like.
  • Good for you!!! I hope this is the year for all of us!! I have also been here before, and deleted my account. Its getting better, like this morning while everyone was eating 330 calorie filled bagels i had my light whole wheat English muffins! :)
    Keep up the great work !
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Ugh, just reading what you wrote in regards to those foods makes my stomach turn. There's something about really heading down the path of healthy/clean eating that makes you never want to go back. Way to go!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    It IS YOUR turn and you can do this!!! It's a lifestyle change your such a butt-kicker!!!
  • I agree that you have to be completely ready to make the change. I have worked out and dieted soooo many times and gave up because everything sounded so good. But this time I found foods that were just as satisfying but healthier for me. And I LOVE it!!! YAY!!
  • Yay!!! So happy for you!! I think everybody has that moment when it just clicks and your mind and your body both agree that it's time. Good Luck to you, I wish you well!!!
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