Tips for fighting mental hunger

How do you fight mental hunger? Right now, I had a good healthy dinner, sensible portions. I am not hungry. But I want goldfish crackers, cereal or reduced fat chips. I start to think of a food and end up obsessing about it until I eat it or something. Just wondering how others stop themselves from eating. I am drinking water, I brushed my teeth and I'm trying to focus on doing other things. I only have 78cals left to eat for the day and I like to have a 1/2glass milk before bed.


  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    I'll be keen to hear info on this as well, as mental hunger is probably the biggest challenge for me.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    sometimes brushing your teeth does peppermint gum. Peppermint is an appetize suppresent. So pepperment tea is also another option
  • Walkersfaith
    I have that addiction to soda crackers and corn chips. I have to really be strong in those moments and tell myself that I am not going to feed the desire. It has to be a business decision to eat for fortification only. Not for pleasure and not on a whim. I don't always succeed but I succeed more now than I used to. Don't encourage the emotions by rewarding them.
  • nanmosta1
    I do the exact same thing. Usually I will pop a werthers sugar free original candy in my mouth or a cup of hot tea.
  • mycrazyturtles
    I have a dress hanging out, a bathing suit and a shirt I just bought That I want to fit into. That would take me loosing each goal weight to fit into them. If I get to the point where I really want something I just look at them. Or an old picture of myself where I was skinny.. It seems to help. Maybe portion your self better so you can have a snack.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I just imagine how many minutes on the treadmill I'd have to do to burn it off and that helps a lot
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    I get on MFP and start reading I fight mental hunger also
  • alazanowski
    usually your body is just desiring to chew on things. Sugar free/low calorie gum has helped some people. However, i find chewing on ice cubes after drinking cold water to help alot. With alot of ice, i feel like im eating and the chewing action is satisfied at the same time. Hang in there!
  • msemejuru
    I like mint gum or tea. Also, using my resistance bands or doing sit-ups while watching tv helps. If it's something that can go in the freezer, I'll freeze it which works for cookies, cake slices and pie which I often make for my family. Recently, I've been squeezing into my old skinny jeans which makes me not want to eat because I can barely get the zipper up. If that doesn't work, I'll have a small bite so I can move on.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    I hear you and I am glad you chose to post instead of giving in into eating those chips, etc that would have sobataged you day's worth of effort/progress.

    You already took your 1st step and that is exactly what you need to do. DISTRACT yourself! Do something you like ..... may be catch up on a TV show, may be go to a book store and flip some maganizes, phone a friend, anything that will not make you want to eat..
    But, if you are really hungry, have a cup of warm skim milk (90 cals).
    Hope this helps in some way!
  • floydg68
    Yup, I agree with the Peppermint tea. It does the trick for me. I have one or two cups after dinner and helps with the water intake.
    Keep Fighting!
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    I honestly log on here and read and read and read success stories and look at B/A pics. Its the only way for me. Mental Hunger is to blame for me being on this journey.
  • cindysg3
    cindysg3 Posts: 12 Member
    I find that I usually just need the crunch of something. I have chomped on carrots and celery or made homemade popcorn and just eat the amount I can have for the remaining calories. I often pop white Jolly Time popcorn using canola oil and add a little salt when it's done. A dill pickle is good too. Go for the crunch and something that takes some chewing. You can do it!!! I found myself feeling "hungry" today while traveling in the car about an 1 1/2 hours before lunch and drank a bottle of water instead. It took the edge away and I made it to my normal lunch time. You will have to find just the right food that can help you through the tough times, and you will find that it changes.
  • karen415
    I started to make jello, sugar free of course for like 10 maybe 20 calories hoping it helps for those in front of the TV cravings
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Think about your goal. Think about how good you'll feel after you've lost this weight and decide which desire is stronger; food craving or figure craving.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    If you dont have them in the house, then you have to go out and buy them which is usually too much trouble:smile:
  • neenie1
    I go through just about everything you see suggested here so far and 99% of the time something suggested here will work....some times I have to try a couple of different things together. Then there is that one percent where nothing works....I will only cave into one serving. I read the lable on the bag or box and measure or weigh a serving. Put the box (or bag) away and do not eat infront of the t.v. If it puts you over your calories don't beat yourself up over it. You stopped at one serving so pat yourself on the back for not eating the whole container. Hang in there.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    This really works for me...I make a pitcher of unsweetened tea so I can have ice tea with meals. When I'm hungry, I warm a mug of tea in the microwave and then add a couple packs of sweet-n-low. The warm tea really helps stop my cravings.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I have the same problem, I don't NEED those snacks, but I WANT them.
    The best thing for me is to have something to keep my hands busy, so I can't eat (I have a history of snacking while reading or using the computer so they don't distract me enough).
    I think I might take up knitting again!
  • LHarders
    LHarders Posts: 28 Member
    I think MENTAL Hunger is that you are bored....and bordom can be when you get those feelings get busy...I agree get on MFP and read the message boards..take a a book anything to take you mind off food.
    ALSO hunger sometimes hides behind being really thirsty...drink your water...I like ice water because someone told me it burns more calories as your body has to heat it up :) who knows but sounds cool.