Should I?

I've never been very small, so when I see people who have goals set to "Fit into my highschool jeans" or "Fit back into my wedding dress" or even "Fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans". None of these apply to me! I DO have a pair of size 9 jeans from Middle School(or maybe I sold them..hmmm), but I don't know...I don't think so.

My question, should I purposely buy a pair of jeans that are too small, with the hope to one day fit into them? I'm talking about going to a thrift store and buying second hand jeans, that are say....4 sizes to small or something. Do you think it would be detremental to see those jeans all the time and not be able to wear them? Or would it be a kick in the pants(haha) to motivate me to lose more weight?

Honest opinions please!


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I think that is a cool way to motivate you!! I also dont have any clothes from a smaller time, as I am actually at my smallest xD But my mom(who i dont see ever) sent me a size 5 pair of hollister jeans! so that is a goal I have :D they are posted on the door of my dorm xD haha
  • Belle_Fille
    i dont have any high school jeans or anything i want to fit into. and im not going to go waste money on any either. just work on you. work on losing the weight youre working on, or wanting to lose, then worry about buying clothes! even if you get down to your goal weight, it doesnt mean you will fit into any certain size. so i wouldnt bother wasting the money
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have a pair of pants that I"m using too...I want to be able to wear them to my wedding shower, but the camel toe has got to go!!! I think it's a good idea to buy a pair from a thrift store, try them on once a month or something. It's like taking your measurements
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    ive never been small either... i dont have jeans i want to fit into.. nothing like that.. i think you should set a goal that applies to you. My goal is to see that number down, to run a lil more when i play soccer.. stuff like that.. set a goal u are happy with.. and if that means buy some jeans.. go for it
  • Bofars
    My advice, and keep in mind I am no professional... but set goals that are attainable... the last thing you want to happen is to get let down and frustrated because you have not lost enough or fast enough. it's not about what size you are, it's about how your clothes feel to you... what's really important is your health... remember that the scale might say you dropped 10lbs but those jeans still don't fit quite right, everybody loses differently, and from different areas.

    Again, just my advice.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I wouldn't do that. I just picked a weight I think I would like to be. I know "they", who "they" are i don;t know...LOL but they tell me tobe about 180....yeah right!!!

    I am now 302 shootin fer like 250.
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    A friend of mine wanted me to get "goal clothes" but I didn't want to because I do not know how my body will be when I weigh less, and I don't want to work towards getting into a pair of jeans that just do not fit right, not because of weight, but because of body size or something.... but that is just me.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I would suggest, if you are going to do that, that you buy something 1 size smaller than what you are currently wearing. Something that you can "fit" into, but it's too tight to get into and wear out (I have an older pair of pants that I use as my guide.. I don't know what I will do after that!) When you see it fitting differently, you will be happy. Something that is several sizes too small for you now may just frustrate you. Just my thoughts. Good luck!
  • R0se
    R0se Posts: 10
    I was thinking the same thing. I have seen a beautiful blouse that doesn't come in my size and am tempted to buy it and hang it where I can see it to give me some encouragement. I might treat myself at the weekend!!
  • callipygianchronicle
    I don’t think anyone else can say what will work as a motivator for you. Or a de-motivator for that matter. If working toward being a specific size sounds inspirational to you, then do it. If it makes you feel anxious, or feel hurtful toward yourself because “it’s been x-months and the jeans still son’t fit,” well that’s an influence I’d stay away from. You want to fill yourself with positive feelings about this journey, and anything that detracts from that, is not something that I would advise inviting into your life.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I personally wouldn't buy jeans that were smaller.. or anything that is. I want to look good in what fits me now. I think it would be depressing, but that is my opinion. You need to do what works for you and what motivates you. I took pictures of myself in a bikini so I have something to look back at and say "ohhh my goodness, never going back to that state."
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    absolutely nothing wrong with setting a BIG goal, rather than small ones. for some people (like me), this works. I was never a fan of small goals. I'd get to one of them, then get complacent. So i starting setting bigger goals, that would take like 6 months. Keeps me motivated better. Eg, my current fitness goals are probably going to take me until xmas...
  • appashley
    appashley Posts: 6 Member
    I wouldn't buy smaller clothes. I agree with some of the other posts, that if you have something you can get into but doesn't really fit you could aim to make that peice of clothing fit. I always think of one of my PE teachers from jr. high; she always said that when losing weight you just want to be a better you, a healthier you. Even when you lose weight you may not fit into what you have bought.

    I personally just want to get rid of the roll that comes over my jeans.