New Member from Michigan!

AshleyTOliver Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey Everyone!

My name is Ashley and I'm new to the cite. I'm working towards shedding 30 pounds of my body, it's been really hard work so far but I just hit my 10 lb. mark this morning when I weighed in! I've been exercising and making healthier choices when it comes to eating. I started this lifestyle change a few days after Christmas this past year. I looked at myself in the mirror after the final holiday party of the season and started crying, how had I gotten this bad? I am 5 foot 4 and 21 years old and am overweight according to my BMI. That day I vowed to now feel this terribly about myself anymore. At my first weigh in I maxed out at 173.5 lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. Since then I have been slowly working hard towards losing the unnecessary baggage that I have acquired. I'm finding it so difficult to find time to exercise and eat healthy meals now that I am back to school though. I am a senior in college in my last semester. It's so hard to balance 19 credit hours, 30 hours of work a week and a new healthy lifestyle. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for me to cook healthy meals or not indulge in a late night snack while studying. I think that by posting on here knowing other people will be checking in on my progress it will help me to hold myself accountable!



  • you can do it Ashley!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    You go girl!!! I live in Michigan too, and sometimes the weather gets me down. But this winter I joined a Snap Fitness center and have been going 3-4 times a week and now I'm training for a 10k in May! Last May was the first time I'd ever ran anything. Ever. I'm 38 and had never ran a mile before last spring!!! Now it's kind of an obsession and it's really changing my body for the better! I'm all for this site, pretty new myself (well I signed up a long time ago but just starting using it this week) and can't wait to lose these pounds and KEEP them off for GOOD!!!!!
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