Question About Metabolism

I've been dieting for weeks. Before my diet I had a fast metabolism. Did my metabolism slow down while dieting? And if so how can I speed it up when I get off my diet (which is probably in 2 weeks).


  • rosita76
    Did you drop too many calories in your diet? You could have gone into "starvation mode"..... Kick start it back by eating small frequent meals and increase calories.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I've been dieting for weeks. Before my diet I had a fast metabolism. Did my metabolism slow down while dieting? And if so how can I speed it up when I get off my diet (which is probably in 2 weeks).

    Once you start eating more calories/more frequently it will naturally increase in speed.
  • tatsuo10
    hi bro the diet is not the problem by any chance did you stop doing any cardio and what kind of diet your doing if you stop eating frequently your calorie intake needs to go up with protein. your body need to get some of what you lost during your work out
  • dragnet
    Exercise is extremely helpful in keeping your energy expenditure up while dieting. It i a good idea to stay above 1000 -1200 cal/day to ensure your body doesn't think it needs to adapt to starvation (there will be adaptation to calorie restriction, but it isn't as big a change)
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You can help boost your metabolism by making sure you are doing strength training. Muscle burns more calories, even while resting, so it raises your BMR. Make sure you are eating what MFP tells you to eat. Eating too little while put strain on your body, and can cause your weight loss to stall. You need to fuel your body properly. Also, you should gradually work up to your maintenance calories, because your body won't be used to eating that many calories. Hope that helps.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Exercise is extremely helpful in keeping your energy expenditure up while dieting. It i a good idea to stay above 1000 -1200 cal/day to ensure your body doesn't think it needs to adapt to starvation (there will be adaptation to calorie restriction, but it isn't as big a change)

    Actually, this is too low. For men I believe its 1600-1800 per day.
  • EricsName
    No, my calorie diet was to maintain my weight, but that was lower than what I normally eat which was like 2300 calories a day. Today I consumed 2084 calories, but my net was 1468 with 616 burned on the treadmill (I'm a cross country runner).
    Yesterday, I consumed 1584 calories and my net was 1058 after lifting weights and burning 450 on the treadmill.
    The day before that, I consumed 2188 and my net was 1880 after lifting weights and burning 220 on the treadmill.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Your metabolism doesn't have to slow down when you "diet" - poor word by the way. I assume you don't mean a temporary reduction in food intake, then a return to old habits...

    Simple tips I use with my clients. You may or may not be doing any of these.

    1) Eat every 3 hours.
    2) Eat as soon as you wake up until a couple hours before bed.
    3) Do HIIT cardio, not steady state mindnumbing cardio.
    4) Lift weights - and lift heavy for pete's sake. No more 5 pound dumbbell lifts for women either!
    5) Increase protein - decrease carbs.
    6) don't starve yourself. An easy ballpark is total weight x10 + calories used exercising.

    Eating too little is the fastest way to slow down your metabolism.

    Email me with questions in case I don't see this thread again :)
