How often do you weigh in? Whats' your workout schedule?



  • Once a week my friend!
  • mrstyle25
    mrstyle25 Posts: 14 Member
    I really love seeing everyones different approaches, it's really enlightening, i may have to make some tweaks to mine as the days go on. I think i will stick with once a week for now. Too often may set me up for disappointment, and any fewer won't give me time to right a mistake in my training or diet. Thanks again everyone!!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I weigh everyday, but instead of comparing to the day before I compare it to the same day last week. So I see the results of a week of work, but daily.. sneaky I know ;)
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    I started out last year only weighing in once a week. But I waited so impatiently for weigh-in day and experienced disappointment several times when I didn't lose as much as I thought I had. So I started in weighing daily but only my once-a-week official day "counts." That's the weight I track.

    I'm glad I started weighing in every day because I learned that my weight can vary as much as 2 or 3 pounds from day to day. So some "official" days I may be even up a pound and the following day down 2lbs. Or vice versa. I learned not to sweat a couple of pounds since the long-term trend (over a year now) has been down.

    I do 60 minutes on an elliptical trainer 5 days a week - usually Monday through Friday. I've started working with free weights this year - 30 minutes twice a week.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    My official weigh in day is Thursday when I wake. I also check in on Monday's.... this makes sure I stay on track over the weekends. As for working out I have made a deal with myself that I have to be active for at least 30 mins a day. I missed 3 days in January. I mostly work out with my Wii EA Sports 2. I also walk 3 days a week for about 45 mins each and on the weekends I usually walk for an hour on one of the days. My walks will increase once the warmer weather comes around as I am going to walk a 10k in May.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    Since joining a week ago
    -weigh in on Sunday
    -exercise everyday 1 day strength training 6 days cardio <- I need to fix this, include a rest day or two and balance more strength days

    before MFP
    -weigh in on Skinny days
    -exercise on weekends
  • If I feel like I haven't done well in a week then I won't weigh myself or if it's the week before my period I know I'm likely to heavier and so don't weigh. On average I weigh myself every couple of weeks. This is what my week looks like:

    Mon: cycling 1 hour

    Tues: cycling 1 hour

    Wed: cycling 1 hour
    roller derby 2 hours

    Thurs: cycling 1 hour

    Fri: cycling 1 hour

    Sat: roller derby 3 hours

    Sun: rest
  • I weight in once a week on a Saturday morning. No point weighing in any more days than that for me otherwise I will send myself crazy lol

    I don't really have a workout schedule either but I do try to do something 6 days out of 7.
  • mrstyle25
    mrstyle25 Posts: 14 Member
    I plan on doing a 5k in April, as soon as I sign up it will be official, i have to stop loligagging about it.

    I'm going to weigh in in the morning, it's tough thinking about because I want each time to be really good. I'm paranoid i'll drink too much water, or not enough trying to skew the results or something. Ugh, i probably couldn't handle doing this more than once a week for this reason alone!!
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