lhague Posts: 258
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I did not need to loose a great deal of weight - 14 pounds. Before joining MFP, breaking the 150 mark has been a struggle. Today I weighed in at 149.5. YIPPEE - but.............I want to just eat junk, and lots of it.

Is this some sort of self sabotage?

Total weight loss so far is 4.5 lbs.


  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    One day at a time. Don't think about what you have ahead of you, just focus on right now. Allow yourself one cheat meal a week and PLAN on binging. It's okay in a controlled setting (within reason)... much better than binging all the time and giving up. When you get a craving write it down and post-pone it until your cheat day!
  • teasha43
    teasha43 Posts: 101
    Dont do it!! LOL.............somethin abt the psychology of it makes us wanna..I feel the same right now. Have a great tomorrow. Your post made me laugh:) I can surely relate............Teash
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Don't do it! I was at 149.2 for the first time in three years just three weeks ago. Then I decided on a splurge meal. Which led to bad choices for a week. Which led to going back up to 152.8! I am with you. Maybe it is self sabotage, maybe you are just hungry or hormonal or wanting something you know you shouldn't have.

    i just wanted you encourage you not to do it, because I wish I could go back in time and tell myself the same thing!
  • briball003
    briball003 Posts: 5 Member
    That happens to me when I've been doing really well - you're not alone. I don't know about you, but for me, food used to be a reward. So, if I felt really accomplished with my fitness, I'd naturally look to reward myself with food. I'd say try to find out what's happening emotionally that's making you want to eat - is it that you look at it as a reward; do you feel somewhere deep down that you don't "deserve" this success? Find out what's making you want to binge so you can consciously override it.

    And...if you do binge, don't look at it as the end of the world. Just get back into the groove & try to react differently next time.

    Good luck!
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    OMFG chocolate!!

    wait! no!! SOMEBODY STOP MEE!!!!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    DONT DO IT!!!
    If id done good id wanna binge to.
    But u'l regret it so much!!!
    Im telling u, step away from the fridge.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Please don't binge.
    When you get up tomorrow morning, you will feel so happy that you didn't. THAT is a very nice feeling.
    Go to bed if you have to.
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    I usually find if I am not eating enough variety of good food my junk cravings come and get me. In the future try and eat more different things. In the mean time, eat a slab of meat, coupled with a good salad and water. The protein, fat and fibre combo meal deal will keep you satiated for hours.
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    PMS? That's usually the culprit of my strong urges to say " F it all" and binge. What Ii have found is that I do not handle binges well at all anymore. My emotional tolerance is so much lower now that I feel absolutely awful almost immediately afterwards. So not only do I run the risk of stalling weight loss, perhaps even gaining weight BUT more importantly I run the risk of falling into a depression. So if you're anything like me, I say... really think it through. All the way to the end result. And if all you want is one cheat day/ night/ meal... then go for it. But if it's an all out binge you're craving I suggest you try to get through it without giving in to the temptation.
  • I say don't do it! I allowed myself one "cheat" meal each week, and you know what happened? In just one day I gained back 2lbs and it took me nearly a week to get it back off. I know everyone is different, but I thought I could get away with it and apparently I can't. In fact, I was soooo sick to my stomach for the next 3 days and I felt miserable. It was so not worth it :(
  • Just hang in there......if you've been good, binge a bit.

    My binges are usually at Sushi bars and Brazilian steakhouses. While you can stuff yourself until you groan, at least it's heavy on the proteins.
  • I want to binge too and I'm 40 pounds away from my goal! But I agree with most of the other replies here - it seems that one binge leads to another, or just a week of bad choices. It's like you feel like, "Oh well - I already ate three brownies - might as well eat the whole pan." Then before you know it that's your whole week! Or - wait - that was my week. Anyway - be strong! Try to window shop online. That's what I do. Or watch a movie about some amazing place - like the South of France and imagine yourself having some fantastic vacation with all the other beautiful people who are enjoying life - not just brownies.
    Good luck!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Thanks Guys!

    I went and worked out instead, now I feel better.

    I needed that boost of support :happy:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    We have to keep in mind that the body does not like change. Everyone has a certain set point that your body gets used to. It doesn't mind the extra fat cause it figures it can use it for a rainy day, but less fat will always stimulate the body to try and get it back. It gets you to help out in this regard by stimulating hunger and cravings, which I think we all find hard to resist. Or increasing portion sizes just a little. It's the number one reason for plateaus.

    So when you want to binge, just remember it's your body saying, "I wanna go back to being ___ pounds heavier", and say no :flowerforyou:
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Thanks cutmd, good analogy.
  • teasha43
    teasha43 Posts: 101
    :) loved ur post..and your head out of your *kitten* comment. i share your sentiments abt myself..exactly..lol havr a great day!
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