Just joined

Crysta2 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Crysta and I have heard about this site thru another weight loss board that I belong to. I really like how you can enter what you have eaten and it calculates your calories for you. Its so cool:bigsmile: I have lost 20 pounds since November 4 2010. My goal is 55 pounds. Any suggestions are welcome


  • welcome!! this is a really cool site :)
  • :smile: Welcome and Congratulations . . . you must be doing something right to have lost 20 lb! Keep it us and be sure to use all the resources available here.

  • Thank you ladies. I look forward to getting to know you all and sharing in my journey as well as yours:smile:
  • Hi, I have been using the app on my iphone, and really love it. Seeing it all recorded - what I am eating, how little I have been exercising, I find it motivational. Hopefully I will be able to keep it up. I think seeing there, and it also telling you how much weight you will gain if you keep going with my bad habbits. So far so good!!! I look forward to sharing some sucess with you all
  • Hi everyone,
    I recently joined this site too, and just like you, I lost 20 lbs with 3-4 times a week in the gym for 6 months:tongue: (I know! it's slow right?) It's because I didn't care of what and how many calories I am eating. I am planning on losing 30 more if I can, with the help of this site. Thanks to my boss who introduce me on myfitnesspal.:smile:
  • My name is Kamelia. I joined a few days ago. I think I am gonna love this site. It has turned out to be very handy!!! Good luck to everyone. I am sure gonna need it.
  • Hi my name is Barbie I am looking forward to becoming healthy and meeting many ppl on the same journey as me :wink: Thank you Sherry for the support.............................:smile:
  • you are welcome! :)
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