threw away the scales!

jenblwr Posts: 53
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Yep! I did it! I have become so obsessed with weighing myself, I'd start started doing it almost every day...even though I knew the scale wouldn't fact it went up sometimes...and even though I knew that it would...I still got really down about it.. So I got my fiance to take them with him yesterday morning and put them in a skip on the way to work!

Now I'm going to have to rely on how my clothes feel, rather than what the scale says..which is equally discouraging for me, as they never seem to get any looser - but maybe I'm expecting too much too soon... I've been eating healthily and exercising since the beginning of January...I lost 8lb in the first two weeks...then nothing...until last week when I gained a pound. The one good thing is that I do generally feel better - I just wish my size reflected that!

Ah well...I'll get there in the end!!!


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    what only nearly everyday!! lol i weight two times a day(daont ask me)!! night and morn...
    just as long as i keep an eye on it i'm ok...
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    I so know what you MEAN! I feel like I have been trying forever - also since the beginning of january - with very few results. Here is what I think (or how i try to console myself)

    gradual change is GOOD! It means that it is more permanent. Because we are making lifestyle changes that are forever, not just practicing temporary deprivation! Even if we only change little tiny habits and lose little tiny bits of weight in the long run these changes will make us slim and fit!

    But i so know what you mean. It just seem so.. HARD! keep at it, we can DO this.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    I have been feeling the same and have thought about doing the same thing, although i am a inch down everywhere i still get disheartned that the scales say i have only lost a lb even though i have been working my butt off !!! I have also been here since the start of jan x
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    I have been feeling the same and have thought about doing the same thing, although i am a inch down everywhere i still get disheartned that the scales say i have only lost a lb even though i have been working my butt off !!! I have also been here since the start of jan x
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    I have been feeling the same and have thought about doing the same thing, although i am a inch down everywhere i still get disheartned that the scales say i have only lost a lb even though i have been working my butt off !!! I have also been here since the start of jan x
  • I think you did the right thing. I only weigh myself once or twice a month and mostly relying on my clothes. The scale is evil, evil, is not your friend, especially for women.
  • So pleased to see these posts - I thought I was the only one starving myself and taking as much exercise as possible with disappointing results.

    I think my calorie counting must be out or something. Maybe my portions are too large. I have started skipping meals in an effort to get things moving faster.

    I just console myself by saying that there has been a slow improvement and I've just got to keep going - maybe for a whole year to reach my goal.

    By the way - I weigh myself every day - but don't necessarily always note the results on MFP!

    Never give up - that's the important thing.
  • Thanks everyone - it's nice to see I'm not alone!

    I was actually getting to the point of considering going to see the doc or nurse about this to see if I have some underlying condition that I'm unaware of....but I guess that would be too easy!

    I shall stick with it ...going to go and get weighed on "proper" scales at the supermarket at the beginning of March....surely in a whole month of not weighing, but exercising and eating well, I'll have lost some weight!!!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I figure I'll weigh myself twice a week, but only record my weight once a week. When the loss slows down, I'll move to bi-weekly, then monthly, etc.,

    I admire you for just abandoning the scale. Tremendous control!!!
  • I know what you mean about your clothes not seeming to get any looser. I have been here for almost a month and gotta say that I am feeling really good. I have lost 13 pounds so far, but I honestly can't tell any difference in my clothes. I have been measuring as well as weighing myself and I have lost some inches too, but apparently not enough to lower my jean size. I have been working out 5-6 days a week for at least an hour and eating healthy. I just recently decided that I should try toning up while I am losing weight and now I am gaining weight. Hopefully in the process of toning up I can drop pants sizes. I read all of the success stories on here to give me extra motivation, but I have been struggling to lose weight my entire life and sometimes I just don't think it is meant to be for me. I need to try to lose that mentality and convince myself that it will work if I give it time (lots and lots of time).
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