So frustrated!

jsric Posts: 26
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
:frown: :frown: I am trying to be patient but I'm so frustrated! I broke my bad habit of weighing in every day and today was the big weekly weigh-in day..... All week I've done everything right: logging in all of my foods, eating only the right things, drinking lots of water, resisting all of the temptations (even when going out to eat w/friends), splitting up my daily workout into 2 was my big weigh-in and I was so excited.....but all that I lost was a measly .2 of a lb! ARRGHGHGHHH!!! I realize that with only about 10 lbs to lose it is going to come off slowly (not to mention that I'm menapausal) but what else can I do?!?!!?!?!



  • I think you just have to keep at it and be patient :) Maybe don't set yourself up for huge changes when you weigh in. One day you will be pleasantly surprised!
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I feel your pain! I also want to lose 10-15 more (after losing 30 lbs last year) and am menopausal.. I have not been good about logging my food in a long while and I have been blaming it on that..I do weigh myself everyday, which has pros and cons, I think..I go up and down about 3 lbs, but never stay at my lowest weight. It is very frustrating! I welcome any suggestions for breaking the plateau and have read lots about it..I think it is just getting motivated to do everything I need to do-faithfully log calories, vary my workouts (I do Chalene Extreme, Turbo Jam and throw in some running and other kickboxing videos now) and get more sleep (tough when you are menopausal)..
    Honestly, this winter has been brutal where I live (tons of snow and cold temps, lack of sunshine), so as someone who hates winter in a good year, I am feeling seasonal affective disorder (self-diagnosed) more than ever and I don't think that is helping my efforts..I am thinking of getting a sun-lamp and taking melatonin..I can't imagine what I would feel like if I didn't eat healthy and exercise so faithfully..Talking with others who understand is helpful and motivating (there are not too many people in my life who are trying to live the healthy lifestyle, so not too many to talk to about it), so this site has been very helpful! We can do it, it just will take awhile!
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    To dzdame-
    CONGRATS on your wonderful success so far! That is great!!!

    We do have a lot in common! I live on the east coast and HATE the winter and I know that I have a mild case of S.A.D. too! The only thing positive thing about winter is that I'm a teacher and I do enjoy snow days!!

    Thanks for your encouragement! I wish you the best of luck in your efforts to drop the last 10!
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