help...desperate :(

jamben Posts: 22 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Long story short...belong to ww for a year, made goal...follow the "rules", never had any problems before even if I slipped on the eating or exercise. Feel as though I'm on target with all right now and have gained 5-6 lbs in the last 6 weeks, WHAT?!!! Anyone familiar with tyroid problem...any thoughts on that? Please I'll take any and all I can get, Please help.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hi there. I gave up on WW because I had too much freedom with the points--allowing me to eat way to many carbs; although I think this is part of the changes they made? not sure. I am on an incredible program. If ya get a chance, check out the website below.

    Good luck!
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Same thing happened to me and all of a sudden 5 pounds dropped off in one week. I'm guessing it was fluids. Keep staying under your calories, be extra accurate on logging what you eat, and it will work out.
  • I've had a thyroid problem. When you have hypothyroidism you will feel tired all the time, no matter how little I ate I gained weight, no matter how much I exercised I gained weight, had hair loss, and I was irritable all the time. With synthetic thyroid meds my thyroid production went up and with proper food consumption and exercise I was able to lose again, and had energy to do daily tasks. However, I ended up having really bad insomnia with the medication, and was taken off. I ended up on prometrium for other problems and that revved my thyroid to where it was at the top of normal and almost considered hyperthyroidism, and when that happened the insomnia still happened occasionally but I could eat almost anything and as long as I exercised lost weight. If you think you are experiencing a thyroid problem ask your doctor to test you. Mine didn't want to, but I basically told her if she didn't I would go to head guy at clinic and complain, and I was right my thyroid wasn't functioning like it should. You have to be careful with thyroid testing. There is a fasting test and one that isn't. The fasting one you need to not eat in the morning or drink anything but water before being tested. If its the other you need to make sure you eat prior to having it taken. I hope this answered any questions you had.
  • I also have a thyroid issue and have been on medication for this which keeps me in the normal range. With this in check and being honest in the estimates of my food intake as well as vigouous walking exercises (which I measure with a very accurate pedometer) my fitness pal has been 100% accurate! I set a target to lose 1.5 pounds per week 6 weeks ago yesterday and have lost right on 9 pounds! I'm a believer.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    It could be a combination of things...a few extra carbs, the cumulative effect of a few too many calories over a period of time, maybe going to easy on the hydration, along with perhaps an overabundance of sodium in your diet??? Can't really tell, since your diary is private. If you want some additional insight, you might want to go into your settings and change it to public (you can change it back to private anytime you wish) and update this thread with your diary status.

    With more info, maybe someone can give you a more informed opinion about what is going on.

    I feel your pain about the gain. Going through the same thing myself from Christmas, but it is no mystery. I fell into some bad habits and I am paying for it now. :grumble: :ohwell:
  • There are many factors that lend to a sudden weight loss or gain. You have been seeking a fit and healthy lifestyle for the past year so much of what I will share you may already have considered. Don't be a slave to the scale. It is easy to get discouraged when we have spent so much time gauging our progress by it. But remember a 5-6 pound fluctuation in weight is normal and healthy. So I would ask you to consider the following questions:

    Are you strength training? You will experience a gain in weight when building lean muscle mass. The gain is no need for panic it is a sign that you are more fit and lean and your clothing will fit even better.

    Are you eating 3 meals a day and 2 to 3 snacks? A steady intake of healthy balanced calories will stoke your metabolism and get your body burning those calories again. Be sure to add fat, yes fat, to your diet as well. We spend quality time shunning fat in our diets but a small amount of the right kind is essential. Please read the following article, it explains this in detail.

    I would urge you to increase your calories by about 500 per day and add an extra 15-30 minutes to your workout routine. A slight increase in calories sends the message to the body that "food is in abundance" and causes the metabolism to increase. Our bodies don't know we live in the Twenty- First Century and still regulate it's use of resources on the apparent amount of food available. The following link explains more:

    If the scale continues to go up and your clothing becomes tight then it it time to consider a medical problem as the cause. I have a thyroid condition so I am familiar with the symptoms to look for. Are you retaining water? Are you Tachycardic, (rapid unexplained heart beat)? Experiencing depression or general anxiety? Sudden weight gain? An increase in facial and body hair? Change in hair texture or an excessive amount of hair lose? Do you have a hump or lump at the base of the back of your neck? These are all symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction and you should seek medical care immediately.

    I hope this helps, congratulations on your weight loss. I am still fighting the battle in my mind so I have a ways to go before my body will show the rewards of my hard work. I have the knowledge but seem to be lacking the will. Any incouragment would be greatly appreciated.

    Good Luck,
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